BTW: New Projects and Groups to Inspire My Creativity

Look at me getting back into my old routine. Woohoo! I hope I can keep this up, but it's only the second day of the year so we'll see.

To help keep me motivated on some of my goals, I've joined a few groups/projects. One is The Year of Jewelry Project. It's a Facebook group that gives you a prompt/theme each week for a year to create a piece of jewelry and explore your creative process.  The first prompt is "Renewal" and that's the project on my desk presently for this Bead Table Wednesday.
As soon as I saw the theme for this week, I had an idea. Now it's just up to executing my design before the deadline of Saturday (1/5).
It's getting me to attempt some fun and new mixed media skills.
As well, I get to play with my beads and buttons for the first time this year. If you're interested in joining the group you better hop on it. I remember reading that they'll only be taking new members until the first deadline of Saturday.

In addition to that group, I've also jumped on board Sally Russick's (of the Studio Sublime) new project called Focusing on Life One Photo a Week.
She'll be sending us a photo prompt each week and we have the whole week to capture something inspired by the prompt. You can read more about it on her blog. Personally, I think this will really get me in gear to work on my "learn to operate my camera better" goal for 2013. The first reveal for this group will also be Saturday, Jan. 5th. I'm not sure if Sally is still accepting new members or not, but it couldn't hurt to ask her if you are interested.

I hope I haven't gotten myself in over my head with these new year-long projects. For now I'm really excited about the possibilities and creativity they may bring.

So, that's what's on my Bead Table this Wednesday. You may find more Bead Table Wednesday in the Flickr Group, but it doesn't look like there's been much activity over there in a little while. Come on guys! Play along with me and share what's on your craft desks too.

Do you have a plan on how to foster your creativity this year? Why not join one of these three groups or let me know what ideas you have to get and stay inspired. I'd love to hear your ideas.


  1. I like what you are doing and the fact to use your camera. That is always fun.
    Have a great day

  2. Hi Hope, Great post! I love the weekly prompt idea for jewelry :) My problem hasn't been so much staying inspired, but finishing what I start, hehe. That's why my word of the year is completion. Happy New Year!

  3. Nicole- I'm looking forward to these challenges and hope i can keep up with them. It'll be fun to try at least! Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by and comment.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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