I Heart Macro: Warm Winter Wishes

I felt pretty ashamed last week. Lori at Studio Waterstone started I Heart Macro Sunday back up and I failed to participate. (hanging my head) I wasn't going to let that happen this week. It didn't matter how busy my weekend looks (and it's pretty busy). So, I'm actually writing this on Friday and scheduling it to post on Sunday. I also didn't get any Macro shots taken this week. (Wow.  .am I full of FAIL or what!?) Fortunately, I've got some photos stockpiled on my computer.

Without further ado, here are some beachy macros to heat up your winter.
A string of buoys in a seaside restaurant
Flotsam washed up on the beach
The tiniest crab EVAH! Those grains of sand are as fine as sugar. THAT'S how tiny he is.

I hope these photos have given you the warm fuzzies. I know I'm ready to hit the beach. Of course, as I write this on Friday it's almost 80 degrees here in Southern Alabama and I probably could. I'm not rubbing it in, really. The water's still too cold to swim in. . .

There's more Macro Sunday at Lori's blog!


  1. Heather- Thanks. I'm glad I had them saved because I was a bit rushed this past week. Of course, this coming week will be worse with the ball approaching. sigh.

  2. These are very nice shots! Those buouys look put to good use.

  3. Beautiful! I love the shells and the tiny crab.

  4. Gunilla- Thank you so much. Yeah, the crab is my favorite too so I felt like I should save the best for last or something. Thank you for taking the time to drop in!


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