Bead Table Wednesday

Since the sea glass bits were cleared from my craft desk, it was time to start a new project. After sticking with a mainly blue palette, I thought I'd go for a bit of vividness and pulled out a rainbow array of buttons and some silver wire.
OH, ICK!! It wasn't working for me the way I had envisioned at all and soon was swept off the desk also. I replaced the colorful hues with something more subdued. Though, I did stick with the button and wire scheme.

You'll have to come back in a few days to see what the above supplies turned out to be.

Oh, and see the green bucket on the right? That's also in residence on my craft desk at the moment.
It's my completed-projects-that-have-photos-but-no-descriptions bucket. I may have mentioned my organization methods before, but in essence it involves an array of bins, buckets, and baskets. I have all my completed jewelry sorted depending on what has been or needs to be done with that piece of jewelry. This might actually a perfect topic for another post. Hmmm. I'll have to work on that.

Anyway, that's what has been on my bead table today. What's on yours?
Join in the fun in the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.

Before I head out, here's a reminder that sign-ups for the Bead Soup Blog Party are THIS WEEKEND and this weekend only!
Be there or be square! You don't want to miss out on all the fun do you? Check out the official Bead Soup Blog Party Blog for all the information and details.

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