Monday's Meal Plan, now with NEW recipes!

This weekend I got to help a friend move. I know that always sounds like some kind of punishment, but I was so excited about having her move back 'home' that I didn't even care. Now I'm sore as all get out and swear that moving someone should be part of a fitness routine. But, it was totally worth it. Besides, I got to count it as my exercise for the weekend!

I ended up so sore yesterday that we barely left the house. Instead, I organized my saved recipes from blogs and Pintrest to try to give us some variety in the menu. I know. . .living life to the fullest huh? Anyway, here's what I came up with for this week.

Breakfasts: Cereal/oatmeal, bagels, overnight quichiladaes, oatmeal wheat pancakes, muffins, eggs w/bacon & toast

Lunches: Chicken & cheddar paninis, curried chicken salad, bean burritos, tuna noodles, soup w/grilled cheese, leftovers, sliced chicken sandwiches

Chicken & veggie stir fry/fried rice
Dijon chicken linguini (wheat pasta) w/salad
Scalloped ham and cauliflower w/salad

I mentioned the other week that I would share the link to my Foreman grill panini tutorial on Snapguide. Clicking that link will take you to it.

As well, I got the scalloped ham and cauliflower recipe from a friend. I don't think she'll mind if I share it here. I might be halving this one. . maybe.

Scalloped Ham and Cauliflower (low-carb)
2 lb bags of cauliflower, drained thawed and chopped
8 oz grated cheddar cheese
1 cup heavy cream
2 eggs, beaten
1 pound of ham cubes
salt and pepper to taste
Beat eggs and add to cream. Mix in cheese and cauliflower, add ham cubes and bake at 375 degrees for 45 mins.

Sounds easy and yummy!!

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Before I head out, there's new necklace in the shop.
Bright Flora Necklace
As well, there's even a few MORE sale items!!

I appreciate you taking the time to pop in. Have a happy day!!


  1. That menu sounds great. and i love that necklace - so cute.

  2. I love the necklace and that recipe sounds really good!


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