Happy Mail

I was so excited about getting some happy mail yesterday, I just need to share it with you.
Sweden and Canada?? International for the win.

First, I opened the package from Sweden. It was from Birgitta Lejonklou. During the Button Swap Blog Hop, she held a button givaway of her own. I happened to be the lucky winner. Just look what she sent!!
So much loveliness!

The other package was from Marie-Noel Voyer-Cramp of SkyeJewels. She's up in Canada. I've been wanting to order some of her lovely pendants for quite a while and finally broke down. She'll put hole(s) in the pendants anywhere you want if you just let her know.
Aren't these DARLING!?
Those holes are EXACTLY how I wanted them. Of course, if you'd rather leave the pendants unmarred, she'll let them be too.

Since I brought up the subject of giveaways, don't forget that Friday's post was full of them!!
As well, Raida of Havana Beads is giving away this adorable ceramic birdie set.
You just need to leave her comment to be entered!

Speaking of adorable, I re-listed this sweet necklace today.
Jewelry Box Necklace

And I'm hoping to get some photography done this afternoon. I've got a pile of newly crafted pieces that are screaming for their close-ups. What have you got planned today?


  1. Oh wow! love those buttons, and the pendants are awesome! Really like that necklace of yours - and looking forward to some close ups :)

  2. Hi Hope,
    Those are some pretty neat buttons you won. Looking forward to seeing what you make with the pendants.
    Enjoy your week.

  3. Antiquity (I'd love to know what your real name is but can't seem to find it)- Thanks so much for all the complements! I do love my new treasures.Now if I can just make myself use them ;) I appreciate you stopping by!

  4. I love the buttons you got in the mail. Don't you just love when a surprise arrives in the mail...
    Lori D.

  5. Lori- Aren't those buttons great!? I was pleased as punch that I won them. They weren't so much a surprise as a happy moment when I realized they had some! Thank so much for swinging by my little-ole-blog! :)

  6. Hi Hope,
    I am glad You like the buttons and that they arrived safely :)
    You have some nice things to work with now..those wooden pendant are beautiful and so is Your necklace

  7. That is some VERY happy mail indeed Hope! I've always been more about beads than buttons, but the more everyone shares their awesome button treasures, the more I'm starting to find myself drawn to them. This is how it begins, right? Just one little button and then WHAM! you're hooked! =)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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