I Heart Macro: Margarita Friday

At the end of each work week, Pat and I have a bit of a tradition. We're not sure when we started it or how long we'll keep it up, but each Friday is affectionately referred to as Margarita Friday.

Each week I look forward to
Salt-rimmed margaritas
Crispy tortilla chips
Savory salsa

And, of course the amazing company of my husband! (not pictured)

There's more I Heart Macro Sunday at Studio Waterstone.

(Please excuse the fact that there are really iPhone photos. I wanted to see what I could make it do!)


  1. sounds like a perfect tradition to keep up.
    I enjoy and look forward to great food shared with me husband too.
    Love the vibrant colors and great detail.
    from one foodie to another,

  2. Antiquity- Yup!! So yummy!

    Leah- I really appreciate that especially since they are phone camera shots! Thanks for stopping in!!

  3. Ohh, I might have to start up a tradition like that. Terrific shots!

  4. Oh man, I want some of everything! You did good with the iPhone!

  5. I took one look at the last photo and the first thing that came to my mind was, "ah what a refreshing drink!" Then I realized--it's the salsa! Looks way yummy, no matter what! :-)

  6. Paula- Thanks. It definitely was!!

  7. Lovely photos! I share your exuberance for margaritas. :)


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