Meal Plan Amongst the Gloom

You would think that being stuck inside all day would motivate me to get something done around the house. . .you'd be wrong.

For some reason, the darker and gloomier it is, the less motivation I feel. When it's bright and sunny outside, I'm bopping all over the place.
Oh well. . . At least I felt motivated enough to get my menu made for the week.

Breakfasts: Muffins, waffles, cereal, cinnamon sugar croissants, eggs w/bacon & toast, nutella turnovers 

Lunches: PB&J, Soup w/grilled cheese, turkey sandwiches, quesidillas, tuna noodles, leftovers
Grilled steaks w/sweet potatoes & broccoli
Lemon garlic spaghetti w/portabella mushrooms & salad
Brown sugar and balsalmic glazed pork loin (crockpot) w/cauliflower & rice mix
Stroganoff w/green beans

Join in the Menu Plan Monday fun over at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I'm hoping to get my butt out of this chair soon and hopefully get SOMETHING else accomplished. You know, labor over something on this LABOR DAY. . .Here's hoping your day is filled with all that you want to accomplish!


  1. Can I come to your houser for dinner! LOL!! :)

  2. Shel,
    Ha! Come on. . .I can't guarantee it'll be any good. Most of those recipes are new ones for me!


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