Bead Table Wednesday: Sneaky Peek

I want to thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, and kind words y'all have sent my way the past few days. Pat's dad passed peacefully on Monday afternoon and now we're just working through the grief. Your support has been received gratefully.

I don't plan to do much creating in the next few days as my focus is on my husband at this time. However, I also recognize that I want to make sure I get my post up for the Bead Soup Blog Party this Saturday.  As such, that is my current creative pursuit. I know can't show you EXACTLY what I made with my bead soup, but I can offer up some teaser pictures on this Bead Table Wednesday.

Check out what other creative souls are up to in the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.
Bead Table Wednesday

One last thing, here are the earrings that were added to the shop last week.
Take Flight in Music Earrings

As well, please check out the ON SALE section of my shop for a few items with reduced prices!

Make sure to stop back by on Saturday (9/17) for the big reveal and links to all the other Bead Soup participants.


  1. Hope, take care of yourself and husband....thinking of you....

  2. I'm so so sorry Hope. You both are in my thoughts and prayers, that you might find comfort in this difficult time. Take care.

  3. Hope, it's right and good that you do concentrate on family at this time! Know we're here for you....

    And I can't wait to see what you've created for the BSBP ;)

  4. Hope, my condolences to you and your husband. Take all the time you need we will be here waiting for your return. You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers, take care.

  5. Hope I am sorry to hear about your sorrow. Please take care of yourselves.

  6. I'm sorry to hear of Pat's dad passing. My heart goes out to you and your family. Take care. Give and receive lots of hugs.

  7. Linda,
    Thanks so much. There have definitely been a lot of hugs exchanged over the last few days. They are definitely healing.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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