Hardware and Thrift Store Scores

It's amazing how three straight days of rain can drop the temperature from "heck no I'm not going outside in that heat and humidity" to "Holy cow, open all the doors and windows."  
In other words, it almost feels like fall.
Of course, it's going to gradually warm back up as the week progresses. Sigh! As such, I've tried to get as much done as possible while I can enjoy the lower temps. That means, I've done a ton of chores today and very little crafting. Of course, the craft work I plan to do is a bit of housework anyway.
Before I try to get to what that is, let me share with you some of the items I picked up as Pat and I visited a few hardware stores in the rain over the weekend.
Copper Washers
Cheap wire
Brass Washers and Closet Door Pulls
Dead Blow Hammer and Pliers

We even picked up the storage bench that I've been wanting for under the window in the craft room.

And then. . .I ran out in the rain to the thrift store where I scored another one of these great glass domes

And this awesome bag

Yes, that says "Bag Jewelry $8.00"
Here's a better look at some of the contents
Bracelets, watches, pins, brooches, beaded necklaces and bracelets, and MORE!!

I'm now in the process of taking apart much of the contents of the bag. I'll show you the fruits of my labor when I finally finish getting through this massive score!

Also, I've gotten around to writing haikus for items that need to be re-listed. This is the first of them.
Guards the Key Necklace

Now back to enjoying this beautiful day!!


  1. nice score Hope....
    but what intriques me is what on earth you're going to do with the closet door pulls?????
    and love your new bench....
    have fun

  2. Can't wait to see what you do with all this. Looks like you had a very good rainy weekend.

  3. d2a,
    Keep an eye out. Hopefully I'll be sharing it all soon!
    It was very rainy alright. . .not sure about good. I would have rather have been in the water instead. Yet, we have been needing some rain so it wasn't all bad!
    Thanks for stopping by!!

  4. i have the same copper washer kit! having fun with them :-) i am intrigued by the door pulls too. your necklace is beautiful--love it!

  5. ooh, I love that glass dome, I've had my eyes open for one of those when we've been thrifting!

  6. You can never have too many copper washers. Those door pulls look like bezels. Great haul! Love your storage bench.

  7. I have the rubber washer kit. When you live in an old farmhouse, you need the rubber ones. Plus they are great for crafts.

  8. Anonymous- An old farmhouse!? That sounds divine! Yes, I like the rubber washers too for crafts. I never seem to use most hardware supplies for their intended purposes. Oh well. . .thanks for stopping by!!


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