More Awsomeness

**Please note that I have been trying to post this since last night from Blogpress for the iPad. I also had a picture here, but since I was having trouble posting, it went away.**

This should be dated Dec 1, 2010
The sun came out today!! It was a beautiful, clear day and much welcome relief after two days of nonstop gloom and rain. As such, I was itching to get out of the house. So, I went SHOPPING! Nope, not Christmas shopping, I haven't even start on that... Puh-leaze. I hit one of the bead stores, a scrapbooking store, and a few thrift stores. I didn't leave a single one of those places empty handed. Retail therapy is always good for the soul. And now, I'm enjoying a delish peppermint mocha and flipping through a stack of jewelry magazines at the bookstore while Pat has band practice at our house. It may sound like a wasted day to some, But i assure you that I'm now full of all kinds of inspiration. Of course, if it's gloomy again tomorrow that spark could vanish before I can get in the craft room. Let's hope not. For a little inspiration insurance I'll more than likely be taking home a few of these magazines.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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