Hectic Holidays

The Christmas panic has begun to set in. Those last few gifts are alluding me.
I had grand plans yesterday to knock out the rest of the shopping and then come home with plenty of time and energy to blog about my lack of a menu this week. As I'm sure you can tell. . .that didn't happen. It was fortunate that we even ate yesterday. My blood sugar dropped so low I knew I wouldn't make it through the grocery store without attacking a loaf of bread like a dog to a bone. As much as I hate it, fast food to the rescue. Alas, I do need to TRY to go to the grocery store at some point before Christmas day.

Even with all the fail that was yesterday's shopping excursion, I'm trying to stay positive and pray to get something accomplished today. I've got a few handmade gifts that I started last night that I can work on. I could maybe wrap a few items. I could pick up around the house. But, first and foremost, I want to make sure I can get this last gift. It's driving me CRAZY!!

Trying not to dwell or freak out again, let's move on. I had a fantastic weekend as we did Christmas with my in-laws on Saturday. I got all domestic on Friday and made my Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies as well as some reindeer chow. Both are delicious!!

We did our gift exchange (we pulled names MONTHS ago) and I got all these!!!
Jewelry Displays

In addition, there were canisters of beads, wire, and baggies included as part of my gift!! It was all so LOVELY!! Somebody knows me well! I can't wait to put them to good use as picture props. But, for now I just have to get through the rest of Christmas.

I've got a ton on my infamous to do list, so let's get to some links before I've got to run.
~*Crafty Christmas Links*~
That's the end of my Christmas link list I have on my list. We'll see if I come with anymore before the big day.

In any case, I want to wish each of you the best of luck on finishing up your last minute details. And, just in case I get all "wrapped up" with everything else going on, let me wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!


  1. Oh I hear you! My kids have all been sick and I haven't gotten to any wrapping or sorting - I had sworn to myself this year I was not sitting up and wrapping everything Christmas Eve but it's not looking so promising! But yeah for you and all those displays !I'll cross my fingers for you/

  2. Goodness, I don't know what it would be like if I had sick kids in addition to everything else. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. Today's been much more productive for me than yesterday. Hopefully your week is looking up as well :)


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