Etsy and Holiday Cheer

Can you believe it's Christmas Eve!
I'm fairly sure my shopping's done and I only have a few more items to wrap. Yet, even with the clock a ticking, I'm still putting it off. Anyone else? Show of hands. . .

While I'm sure the last thing you want to think about is doing ANY MORE shopping. I want to alert you to a few things going on in the Etsy Shop.
First, this bracelet will be expiring on Monday.
Simply Charming Bracelet

As well, these four items were placed on SALE.
Smile Cupcake Pendant
Brown Button Boogie Necklace
Happy Wish Bracelet
Whimsy Youth Pendant
Speaking of Etsy, they've got a new feature called Taste Test that is a bit of a taste quiz that helps find other items you might like. I love little quizzes like this. Try it out!!

I did find some more Christmas links to share, but since it's Christmas Eve and a little late, I think I'll save them for next year. For now, you go on and enjoy your holiday!! I'll see you once all the egg nog wears off!!

Have a safe and happy Christmas. Enjoy yourself, but please take a moment to remember why we celebrate.


1 comment:

  1. How fun, I love your jewelry. I'm a button person too and can never have enough. Everything is so clever and very, very creative.
    Thank you so much for visiting with me.


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