Christmas Envy

I'm in the process of working my way through my feed-reader (I'm ALWAYS in the process of doing this.) As I do so, I keep stumbling upon all the BEAUTIFUL holiday decorations adorning everyone's homes. . . except mine. All my decorations are in the storage building up the road, and I just haven't made the time yet to go get them. Though, I am yearning for my silver jingle bell wreath. Maybe this yearning will be just the motivation I need to get to it today. Of course, today is also the coldest day we've had in these parts this season. I wasn't planning on going outside today. We'll see. If all these beautiful pictures keep mocking me, I just might HAVE to make the effort and brave the cold.

Speaking of beautiful pictures, let me go ahead and show you the other two necklaces I couldn't share from the iPad over the weekend.
 I'm pretty happy with both of these necklaces and can't wait to list them just as soon as I get some better pictures. I'm hoping to make a frugal light box in the next few days. Of course, first I need to wrangle the cardboard box away from the cats. They've claimed it as their own.

With that being said, I really should get back to trying to tame the to-do list. But first, let me share

~*Crafty Holiday Links*~
Totally Random Tuesday
Sharing time is over, now back to the chores. . .


    1. Aw, thanks Serena! I took those with my phone while I was in a rush the other day. I just want to have some sharper images for listing them so all the detail is visible. But, thanks!

    2. Love the necklaces.. too cute!
      and thanks for the link love, too :)


    3. Dot!
      Thanks so much. And you're very welcome for the link love. Sorry it's such an old link, but def one I love! :)


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