Everyday is Awesome

I KNOW! Two posts in ONE DAY!!?? Is it true?
It soooo is!

I just wanted to pop back in and say how much I really enjoyed today. Sure, the bulk of it was spent writing the blog post this morning. And, it was nasty outside all day. But, after lunch I took some time to get dinner started in the crockpot and then make some granola.

After that, I got some basic chores done, posted a pair of earrings in the shop, and read some blog posts. Pat joined me in the living room and read his e-book. We sat like that, the two of us is almost utter silence (other than tweetdeck popping up occasionally) just reading. The wind and rain stormed outside while we sat cozily in our house. It was super.

Dinner (if you really want to know) was some Scalloped Potatoes and Ham and the Granola is SO EASY!

OH, and here are the earrings I listed earlier
Drops in the Fountain Earrings

Anyway, I got such a contented feeling this afternoon from the silence and dinner being taken care of and enjoying the simple things like reading together and a good meal that I just had to share! I hope you also get a chance in this busy season to enjoy the awesomeness of the simple every day.

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