A Little Something for Everyone!

As I expected, last week was crazy. And, that crazy busy-ness bled into the weekend. Here's the rundown if you're interested. If you're not, scroll on down for other topics. . .

Wednesday I tired myself out with a two year old for nine hours
Thursday was a half day with the same little princess. Then a wine tasting fundraiser event. THEN, midnight Harry Potter.
On Friday I slept SUPER late since I didn't get to bed until after 4AM!!! We went to a middle school dinner theater that evening (close friends' daughter was in the production) before heading out for Margarita Friday!!
Saturday I hit some yard sales (no luck), cooked, did Thanksgiving with the in-laws, watched football, shopped, dined, and saw Harry Potter again.
On Sunday, I was adamant about what I wanted to get done. [See, on Saturday morning I had read this blog post that touched on the subject of geocaching. It wasn't long before I had searched online for caches in our area, downloaded the geocaching.com app to my phone, and made Pat agree to try it out.] So, on Sunday afternoon we went out for a only little over an hour because we had all kinds of other tasks we wanted to accomplish at home, but I can't wait to go out hunting for caches again! I think I'm hooked!

All in all, I've enjoyed the craziness, and I know it's just the START to the holidays. There's lots more to come!

I do have a meal plan for this week and keep going back and forth about whether to share it or not. Right now, I'm going with NOT. It's Thanksgiving week and many of my meals are repeats from last week (because of the craziness meals were not consistently made.) If you do want to see the menu, leave me a comment and maybe I'll share it tomorrow. Maybe.

Even with all the stuff I've had going on, I did take the time to list a few items.
Crystal Dictionary Bracelet
Pearly Presence Earrings

*~Crafty Links~*
Topic: Purse (these are either bags that can be made or items you might keep in your purse!)
 Now for some Made Me Smile Monday links
That's it. . . I hope. It's taken me forever to get this written.
Remember to check what's on sale in my shop. Many of those items will be disappearing next week. Hop on it!!

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