Getting Started on the Rest of the House and TT (including some iPhone tips)

MAN!! I feel like I keep missing Mondays or something (wishful thinking maybe). I just have so much to do after a weekend that I can't seem to focus on a blog post.

I said I was going to start working on the rest of the house, and I DID get some tasks accomplished yesterday. Yay me! I decided to start in the kitchen and was able to clear off a few counters, organize under the sink, and clean out the myriad of Styrofoam boxes from the fridge. Instead of rewarding myself with crafting - I looked through some magazines and watched the Olympics WHILE finding a condo in Gulf Shores for Labor Day weekend. I did cheat and reward myself during lunch by going to a thrift store. I'll share that loot with you later.

It is "Techie Tuesday" So here's some of the geek interest I've found"Now for those iPhone addicts (like me)
  • Here are some new free apps for the iPhone.
  • As well, try these iPhone tricks. I'm so happy to have found this one. It includes how to do some things I was wondering how to do. . . like take screen shots.
I'm not so much the chatterbox today. I'm gonna help with my nieces tonight and today was their first day of school, soooooo I may have more to say tomorrow.

Remember to TAKE MY POLL (in the sidebar.)

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