Only Laboring a Little Over Gustav (FGF)

Ahhh, the long weekend is finally upon us. I am really looking forward to hanging out in Gulf Shores with LOML* and another couple (some of my 'Tree' Friends.) Of course, Tropical Storm/ Hurricane Gustav is apparently on his way into the Gulf. We're not going to let that ruin a perfectly good weekend. Plus, the condo has already been paid for and the cancellation date has long passed.

In preparation, I went out yesterday to get some Hurricane supplies (canned goods and water) so we'd have them when we get back home on Monday. I didn't want to risk not having them and then having to deal with the chaos of the stores if the storm does head this way. I'm not worried about the house. It only takes us a few minutes to board up the house because of these cool window clips we use. You just push the plywood into the windows and DONE!!

I'm also thinking about how we can handle bad weather at the beach and plan on packing the Wii and some craft supplies to keep us busy. (Well, the craft supplies are more for me.) However, with these two friends in tow; LOML* and I will NOT be bored. I'll have to try and leave work early again today so I can finish getting everything done. I want to head down there AS SOON as LOML* finishes working. I CAN'T WAIT!!

Of course, my biggest problem is figuring out what craft supplies to pack. Right now, my craft bag has embroidery stuff, shrink plastic and sharpies, a drawing pad, and watercolors. I'm really tempted to take some jewelry supplies. However, I've got SO MANY that it's hard to pare down for easy travel. I try to keep reminding myself that we'll have friends there and I won't need as many crafts because I'll be plenty entertained. Yet, they'll only be there with us Friday and Saturday nights because they have to work on Monday. Decisions, decisions. Gah!

Well, I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend and that you actually have the day off. If you don't, I feel for you and wanna share some "Feel Good Friday" goodness.I apologize for the lack of pictures today. I plan on taking quite a few this weekend and may pass them to you as they happen. We'll see. Have a great weekend. Stay dry, stay safe, think happy thoughts!!

*LOML= Love of My Life

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