Gnome Sweet Gnome (AE Reveal)

Taking up challenges has done a lot to give me inspiration. And, now the challenges are helping save my sanity as I stay home as much as possible. When I saw that Jenny had selected Gnomes for this month's Art Elements Theme Challenge. I didn't hesitate to hop on board. For one thing, I knew I had at least one project already done that would suit the theme but was certain I could come up with more.

Recently, I went on a soldering spree and wrapped up a ton of stuff in copper tape. Then, I happily sat at my desk and soldered it all together. Several items in that batch ended up in my Bead Box #7. What a coincidence that this was in there.
I'm not sure what pulled me to the gnome image when I worked on the soldered pieces, but it was a wonderful stroke of luck. I believe that image is from Dover Publications, but I can't be sure. It was just one in a stack of things I keep around.

It took me no time to create the chain for that cutie of a gnome pendant with the beads I had already selected. The clear and white beads ensured that the pendant would be the focal point of this necklace.

I really love his whimsical nature with the butterfly on his elbow. There's a butterfly image on the back of the pendant too. 

Knowing that the necklace was complete, I didn't stress too much over getting something else made for this reveal. However, I had a list of ideas that included making a cloche gnome scene with an old cheese plate, creating a gnome silhouette with a jar and a tea light, and assembling a simple paper gnome collage. I even kept my eye out for gnome figurines on the few trips out of the house that I made.
I picked up the above little guys thinking they would incorporate well into my first two ideas.

And, when I spotted this piece of bark in the yard, I thought it would be perfect for the jar idea.
Even after baking the bark in the oven I still couldn't bring myself to combine the pieces into a whole project.

So, these guys will have to wait.
Actually, the largest gnome has become an on-desk companion of mine. I just love him. So, he'll likely stay as he is. But, he needs a name. Do y'all have any suggestions?

While those first two ideas never made it to fruition, I couldn't get that third one out of my head. And, once I had an idea drawn out, it was just a matter of sitting down and making it happen.

You can see me make it for yourself in this Easy Gnome Collage tutorial on YouTube.
I'm pleased as punch with how he came together.

I used pastels and florals for this gnome to give him a happy, spring-like feel. But, it would have been just as easy to have selected papers for any other season, holiday, or theme.

He was made on a 5x7 inch canvas board that I painted with acrylic paints. But, a sheet of paper would have worked fine too in a pinch. I drew out my idea, to scale, on a piece of copy paper. So, I just cut those shapes out to create templates for the patterned paper. 

Once I traced and cut out all the patterned paper, I just used a glue stick to piece my gnome and his mushroom together. 
A Stabilo all-pencil was used to add some shading before I added a mother-of-pearl button for his nose with E6000 glue. 

He's cuter than I had envisioned and was easier than I imagined. Thanks to Jenny for the inspiring theme! I definitely needed the distraction right now. 
I hope you go get distracted and take a gander at what the other participants made. This is Blog Hop after all!
AE team: MarshaCathyJenJennyLesleyClaireNiky
Guests: TammyLindaHopeCatSarajo

I hope you're staying home right now. Let me know what you're doing to occupy your attention: creating, organizing, binging, cleaning... I think we could all use all the ideas we can get.


  1. That necklace is wonderful and I love how much different and still perfectly fitting the color scheme is! It also has a feeling if lightness and spring. I am curious how your "gnome light" will turn out and the collage is really cute! :)

  2. I love that picture of the gnome and how smart of you to go with clear and white for the chain! I would probably have used forest colors and completely taken attention off him like that.
    Your paper gnome is very cute, too!

    1. Cat, Thanks so much! Since the back of the pendant has a different color palette, I think the white worked out perfectly too. So glad you agree! And, I'm so pleased with my paper collage. He worked out better than I had envisioned.

  3. I love your gnome necklace. You chose the perfect beads to really highlight the soldered pendant. The piece of bark is really awesome and I am sure when the mood strikes you will create a wonderful little scene with the bark and those gnomes. Your collage is adorable. I especially love the pastel colors and that turquoise-y sky-really does make me think of spring. My gnomes look like Christmas & winter rather than spring;-(

    1. Aw, thank you Cathy! I think your gnomes are great! Pink isn't usually my thing, but with Spring at hand and Easter in a few weeks, I was feeling very pastel. Plus, it already feels like summer in my neck of the woods. Thank you so much for your kind words and for hopping over!

  4. That gnome necklace is super cute. I've wanted to try soldering for ages but am afraid I don't have a sufficiently well ventilated area to work safely. Maybe some day. The spring gnome is adorable, especially his button nose.

    1. Tammy, I've never really beens sure what was meant by well-ventilated myself. However, I just have a small craft room. My husband assures me that just blowing the little wisps of smoke away from my face is sufficient for ventilation - though I did wear a mask the last time I soldered since I was working on a big pile. I say go for it! I'm so glad you like my contributions. Thank you!

  5. Wee! OK - that bark is amazing. Are you sure that isnt a straight up magical window into Faerie! ? Wow. Loving the little pendant - and I love that synchronicity that it was in progress! Your MM gnome is the epitome of Spring - a dapper guy!

    I am glad the theme lifted spirits! So glad you could join us!

    1. Jenny, Yeah, I think that messing up that piece of bark is what has me hesitating on that project. I really want to elevate it to the level of magic that it deserves. So, I'm giving it time to marinate before I go for it. I love little knots like that, but this is the first one I've found with a perfect hole before. It was meant to be for your challenge, I'm sure of it. I just have to gather the courage.
      Thank you for inspiring me, and all of us!

  6. I love your cute soldered pendant and the wonderful necklace you made to go with it. Your collage idea was so clever too!

    1. Oh, Linda - thank you! It was serendipitous that I had that gnome pendant already planned out! I'm so glad you like my projects. Thanks :)

  7. I really love it when things come together - and your brain and hands really know how to make it happen! These are magnificent :)

    1. Marsha, Aw thank you! Both of those completed projects really did just fall together better than I had expected. I really appreciate your kind words. They mean so much to me!!

  8. Your necklace is beautiful, and I'm always wanting to find new projects to do with bark. Now I just need to find some gnomes.

    1. Daphne, Thanks! Maybe you can get the bark project to come together better than I could. I don't know what's making me hesitate so much on that one. I think it's the perfection of that bark. I'd hate to "ruin" it. Gnomes are pretty popular right now. I found mine at dollar stores (Dollar General and Dollar Tree). Of course, getting out of the house to search for them might be risky. Be careful out there!

  9. I couldn't think of any ideas for the gnome so I didn't play this time. But its wonderful to hop around and see what everyone has made. The solder looks great. I have been wanting to try strip soldering with an iron and even signed up for a class before the lock down. Hopefully, everything should clear up. Until then I will wait to see how you put together the gnomes as a scene

  10. I'm not sure which one I like more - the necklace or the collage! The necklace is whimsical and I like that. And the collage is of a gnome figure I tried to sketch first and it didn't work. I never thought of making it from paper! Both projects are lovely!

  11. How lucky that you happened to have made that little gnome pendant at just the perfect time. Your necklace came out lovely and your little collage is adorable!

    1. Sarajo, I was so surprised to see the Gnome theme and absolutely relieved to know I already had something in the works for it!! But, it almost felt like cheating, so I had to add the collage to even it out. Thanks for your kind words!


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