Peek at My Week (March 1-7)

March, y''s MARCH!! I don't even know how we got here. One of the local schools had prom last night, today is Daylight Savings, and Spring Break will soon be here. (While my pool looks like a scummy pond - ick. I'll spare you the pictures!) But, here we are. Time marches on. How was your week? I think mine worked out pretty well. 

I spent much of Sunday with a rust bath.
I used the Rust Dye instructions from ArtGirl Creations that included hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, salt, and rusty bits. It took most of the day to soak.

Before it got dark, I pulled everything out of the tub to start drying.
I had all kinds of amazing bits and bobs stuffed into the tub. You can see my whole process in the highlights section of my profile on Instagram

By Monday, I was ready to speed up the drying process.
I hung all the fabrics on the line and a few of the saturated papers. While the sun was out, the wind was a little too much for the papers. So, those had to come down before they tore. 

I let the rusty bits sit inside.
I don't know how you feel about rust, but this makes my heart skip a beat! While everything sat, I ran my usual Monday errands. 

Tuesday was voting day and I woke up a little concerned about what choice I should make. My daily watercolor doodling helped calm my mind.

I was ready to make my choice.

Back at home, I couldn't help but gaze at the glow of pink outside the Craft Room window.
 Y'all, there's a pink glow all through my house as these azaleas dominate the North end. The color is reflecting off all the surfaces. I'll share a picture of the glow next week!

On Wednesday, I went to my mom's and ran errands with her before a friend came over to visit us both. Then, I talked mama into going to an antique store with me. I didn't find anything to bring home but was sufficiently creeped out by this display.
Y'all! That was almost a full case of porcelain monkey dolls dressed in baby clothes. They were very well done, but just weird enough to give you the willies!

I worked on getting a few things done at the house on Thursday before meeting a good friend for lunch. In the afternoon, I set about getting the craft room in order. It was a serious disaster!

On Friday, I got a few household chores accomplished before working on getting things organized for the booth at Southern Antiques and Accents. After lunch, I headed over there to clean out the pieces that had been in there too long and swap them out for jewelry that was newer and felt more seasonally appropriate. 
That peek doesn't show you that I also re-stocked the "Bargain Bin" that's full of handmade jewelry priced to sell at about $1 each. There are some serious steals in that bin.

Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day! I seem to get a bit more done when the sun's out. So, I worked on a couple of art journal pages, made some jewelry, and even took Zoe on a hike through our woods.
 We discovered that a tree had partially fallen (at an angle) across one of the trails, and we had to work our way around it. (Zoe wanted to go under and I wanted to go over.)

Once on the other side, we found all the treasures that it contained - including the mossy knot in the above picture and these fungi below.
While the tree across the trail is a problem, I was giddy about these finds. 

Unfortunately, while I stayed so busy all week, I didn't have much time to find inspiration. Though, there were a couple.

  • Jewelry Making Journal shared another tutorial. This one is for a pair of Easy Bird's Nest Earrings
  • And, while looking at how to rust, I found another video on How to Easily Create Rust for Your Artwork that requires less mess than the one I used. However, the one I used acts faster and has a neat process. Both are great methods. 
And, that was it for my week. How has yours been? Are you looking forward to more daylight in the afternoons since Daylight Savings began today? I know I am!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, rust is not my favorite thing but I'm sure you're going to make it favorite :) I find these dolls creepy, too. I'm glad you enjoyed last week :)


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