Peek at My Week (March 22-28)

How are ya hanging in there? All this social-distancing and self-isolation is making me a little batty. But, I realize it's for the best. And, I really hope you're out there making good choices, washing your hands, and staying healthy. Let me give you a peek of what I've been doing with myself this week to keep busy. 
Sunday started off cloudy like Saturday, but the afternoon turned beautiful. So, we headed outside to get started on some yard work. On the way to the pole barn to get our tools, I spotted this little bunch of clover flowers and couldn't resist snapping their picture. Don't they just make you smile?

As Pat helped me trim away the bamboo and weeds in the old burn pile, we discovered this beauty of a bird's nest. We waited several hours before removing it to make sure it wasn't occupied. I was mesmerized by the craftsmanship. The outer layers are made of small sticks and twigs. Then, there's a layer of leaves. Finally, the inside is a comfy layer of straw and grass. It's beautiful!

On Monday, I took my niece in Mobile to the dentist for a root canal. Afterward, we picked up lunch and hung out before deciding to get a little crafty in the kitchen.
Y'all! I forgot how easy it is to make rice crispy treats. We added M&Ms for an extra level of yum.

Tuesday was all about catching up on chores and errands. I did get this beauty of a necklace into the shop too.
It's already sold!

I've been walking the property in the mornings to kick the bamboo shoots. It's the only way we've been able to keep bamboo from taking over the backyard. And, it's good for me to get outside and move around a little. Plus, I get to find treasures like this while I'm out there.
On Wednesday morning, the bright blue of this tiny feather stopped me in my tracks. 

I let the beauty of it carry on through my day as I worked on both some jewelry and a page in one of my art journals.
I was tickled that they ended up with a similar theme. But, I shouldn't have been surprised as both the tag and the sticker are Tim Holtz products. 

Once I got some business handled and lunch taken care of on Thursday, I let myself give in and picked loquats for jam-making.

In the process of cleaning and chopping the fruit, I remembered why I was so hesitant. It takes forever to process loquats. But, once it was all said and done, I think it was probably worth it.
Mmmmm, Jam. 

Friday is always big-chores-day for me. I knocked out as much as I could before lunch and was ready for something yummy. Pat and the niece wanted leftovers, but I was in the mood for something...lighter.
A snack plate seemed perfect. And, ohmyggodness, it was so good!

After a little more work, I grabbed a beer, some watercolor supplies, and my phone and headed outside for a mini Instagram concert from one of my favorite music artists. 
I've been seeing more and more of these little performances, and they warm my heart.

Saturday was all about the Gnome Reveal for the Art Elements Theme Challenge. 
It was a beautiful day outside, but I was feeling crummy. So, we stayed inside and indulged in a couch-day. As busy as I've been lately, I think it was well-deserved. 

I hope you're allowing yourself to indulge just a little too. If you're looking for some inspiration, here's what I found over the week.

That's it for me this week. I just finished all my shopping for the week and hope to spend the rest of it hunkered down deep in my craft room - or out wandering the property. I hope you're making the most of this unusual period in time. What's inspiring you right now?


  1. The wire sculpture is a cool idea and yes it can be adapted to adult versions too. Its good that you are able to stock and sell as usual. Economy is at a standstill here with the lockdown.

  2. So talented! That goes for your writing too. I always like reading about what you find outside, and then how you use it in your art.

    1. Aw, thanks Alan! I hope you're well! Sorry it took so long to reply to this, my e-mail seems to be out of control and everything is getting buried FAST! What the heck are you up to nowadays?

  3. It always amazes me how much you can squeeze into one week! I can't say I've done half of that last week even though we're working from home. I even decided to impose a challenge on myself to get inspired and I think it's working :) Did I tell you something about online sales ;) I, too, made some :)


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