Recent Art Journaling on YouTube

I'm still trying to play catch up after falling a month behind. But, that's okay. It ensures that I have something to share with you amazing people! Most of my art journaling endeavors are shared on other social media and YouTube. But, I like to pop in here once a month or so and make sure that you can find the links and/or at least see a picture of what I've created. Without further ado, I present my art journaling for January and February.

I'm not even sure how long ago I actually made this Mixed Media Art Board featuring that little cutie. However, I'm smitten with him. 

It's not often that I use molding paste in my art, as I usually forget about it. In this Art Journal Play video, I recall why it's so awesome. Just look at the texture!

I did share this Mixed Media Valentine Art with you but can't resist showing it off again in case you missed it or didn't have time to watch the process. 

Sometimes I don't know when to stop once I get started playing. This Grungy Art Journal Page is the perfect example of that. I just kept adding things until I realized I had added too much. It's all good though, it's a learning process. 

You've likely already seen this Letters Art Journal Page for the Art Elements reveal. In case you haven't, I didn't see any harm in showing it off again. 

I'm seeing a lot more of my bead friends getting into art journaling. And, that excites me so much! I know that just means more inspiration and eye candy for me to take in. I hope I've helped add to your inspiration just a little. 

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