Six Year Anniversay Weekend (MMSM)

I don't know if any of you are still reading this dribble that I pour out or not, but here I go again.
I had a very nice Anniversary weekend with LOML. We celebrated Margarita Friday in style and had a long conversation about what I really want to do with life. You know - a nice light conversation, not at all blurred with tequila and lime juice.

Saturday was a breezy beach day for us. It was overcast, threatened to rain, and almost chilly. I sat on the beach cutting images out of magazines for collage, and doodling; while my thick-skinned man braved the cool water to windsurf. I did wade in up to my ass to sit on his board and float for a little while before he was off with the wind again. After cleaning off the bay-water, we headed to P'cola for an Irish anniversary dinner and some local brews at McGuire's (warning: music on page). We actually contemplated doing something fairly spontaneous and just getting a hotel room. Yet, we became rather practical when we realized that LOML doesn't carry any of his contact supplies with him - that was going to be more trouble than it was worth, so we headed on home for the evening.

Sunday was our ACTUAL anniversary, and we made NO plans (our favorite kind.) I gave LOML* his present (an xBox 360 game) after breakfast and he took me to the video game store to get me a Nintendo DS (YAY!) We're so romantic don't ya know (Awww geek-love.) After lunch, the day looked sooo gloomy we headed home to play our respective games. I was braindead for the rest of the day, simply playing and playing. I LOVE my new toy. Unfortunately, LOML's X Box died just as he started trying to play his new game. Now, he has to send it off to get repaired or something. Bummer!! I did let him play my game for a while so he could have some fun too. I felt so bad about it.

All in all it was a nice, relaxing weekend. However, it is over now. That means it's "Made Me Smile Monday" at last!!
  • You have no idea how much this soothes my soul.
  • hotel bar commercial
  • If curiosity killed the cat, then it just makes the cow look silly.
  • Check out what was the most interesting part of the presidential debate - apparently, it was the audience.
  • I hope these have all made you smile, because laughter is the best medicine.
Now go on out there and don't let Monday get the best of you.


  1. It is good to hear that you and LOML had a great anniversary...I can't believe you have been married so long now...makes me feel old! lol. :-)

  2. Glad to hear the anniversary was good. Libby wants a DS for Christmas. I read you can connect them so I may have to get one as well.

    See you tomorrow.....

  3. Still here and reading. You continue to do exceptional work. Brave on.

  4. Hey guys. Thanks so much for your support and best wishes. Love you all!!


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