Peek at My Week (July 19-25)

I did my best to try to get a few more pictures of my week than I did last week. Oddly, I didn't get any pictures on Saturday. How funny is that? 
We started Sunday with a simple breakfast of Monkey Muffins and fruit. 

From there, we didn't do much. I made some art and puttered around the house.
Here's the art in its almost-finished state. It incorporates the skills and techniques I learned in Kate Thompson's Botanical Collage Mini Class

Monday was a lost day for me creatively. Pat needed to have the air-conditioning fixed on his truck so I spent what felt like much of the day driving him back and forth between the repair shop and the house. Then, I had to run my own errands. Thankfully dinner was easy!
Okay, so yeah, this is it in its unfinished state because we dove into it when it was done. Basically, I lightly fried corn tortillas, stuffed them with shredded cheese, rolled them, and put them in this casserole dish. Then, I covered them with leftover chili and a sprinkling of more cheese. After that, I baked it for 25 minutes and served it with salad on the side. It was so good too!

On Tuesday, I made sure everyone knew that it was Ladies Day at Southern Antiques and Accents
And, I'm happy I did too since I had some good sales in the booth. 

I did run a few errands, but then made sure I got in some creative time.
I worked on a project for the SJ Honey Do List that I hope to reveal next week. But, wanted to make sure y'all got to see this little trick for painting bead caps. I actually would have stuck the skewers into a block of floral foam if I could have found any in the craft room, but this technique worked just as well. 

On Wednesday, I started the day with my lovely morning routine. 
I try to begin each morning on the deck, in my porch swing. There, I have my coffee, doodle in my little datebook (I'll have to share that sometime), and plan out my day. 

It sets a great precedence for the day. And, I really did knock out quite a bit as from there, I made sure to get pictures taken before it got too hot outside.
Don't you love my fancy setup? Seriously though, I cannot recommend using an ironing board enough. The height is adjustable, it's lightweight, and you probably already have one! I also spent much of the day making earrings since that was the bulk of what sold at the antique store. 

On Thursday, when I took a break from creating and when the rain also took a break, I walked around Silverlox for a few minutes and found this lone jasmine on the heaps of vine we have out here. 

I also visited with the chickens for a few minutes. I can't believe how big the chicks are getting. 

And, that evening (as most evenings), we had some snuggle time with Zoe on the couch.
She looks a little pouty in this picture, but she was just content. 

On Friday, I continued to work on my earring marathon. But, received word from my mom that one of my cousins was killed in a car accident. And, that left me less than inspired. But, I did have this bowl full of designs made. 

Later, I was able to clear off my desk to pour out my distress into an art journal page.

We risked visiting with some friends who haven't been much of anywhere like us. And, they had this Bitter Melon for us to try. Apparently, a neighbor grew it and my friend saved it since she knew I'd want to get a picture of it. Check out that texture!
Isn't that cool?

On Saturday I headed over to my mom's to help her clear out her kitchen. She's been wanting a remodel of it for years and has finally found a contractor. So, she needed to get everything out of the cabinets but can't climb on the countertops to get to everything like I can. My niece even helped for a few minutes before she headed out. It was good to see my mom before she starts back to work on Monday. 

Now, for some inspiration for you!

So, that was basically my week. How did yours treat you?


  1. That Bitter Melon is creepy.......but I like all your creations! Please accept my sympathy regarding your cousin's death. I'm very thankful to have spent the weekend with my cousins. Your journal comment "Make the days count" is so true.

    1. Mary, Ha! I'm not sure I would have called it creepy, but I wouldn't have automatically assumed it was edible if I hadn't been told. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you peeking in!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, it's even harder when it happens in an accident! Looking for consolation in art is good! Congratulations on the sales :)


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