July Challenges and Inspirations

Confession: I haven't really felt super-inspired lately. The shutdown of most everything and my personal want to stay safe as well as my conscious need to keep others safe has me in a bit of a cocoon, muddling through each day. I don't know why this is as I'm very much an introvert. But, I guess it's just my mindset right now. Finding inspiration online is definitely a benefit of our modern age. And, I love that there are still a few sites that challenge us with new inspiration each month. Here are the ones I know about. 

  • Art Journey #5 art Art Bead Scene is a short one this time. The theme is Fireworks. You have until July 24th to contribute to this theme. Remember that whatever you make, it needs to include an art bead. Head over to their blog to read all about it. 
  • Sarajo and her husband, Eric, like to share a photograph each month for inspiration. They call it the Honey Do List. I'm loving the pop of magenta in this month's photo. The reveal date is July 27th. 
  • The general monthly themes from Art Elements tend to be one of my favorite inspirations. This is probably due in part to the ability to use any medium for their theme. They've moved the reveal to The Art Elements Community on Facebook so that almost anyone can participate, and you are able to submit your contributions anytime during the month. This month's theme is Hollow
Unfortunately, these are all the challenges I'm aware of at this time. I would LOVE IT if you would let me know if there are others out there that I've overlooked. I'll be happy to add them to this list. Or....just let me know: What's inspiring you right now?


  1. I have to admit I am also less inspired than usual. I feel like I go out less than anyone I know, so it's not about that. I read a great article about having to grieve the things we've lost. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/deviced/202003/necessary-self-care-during-covid-working-through-loss For me, I think it is most about fearing for the safety of my loved ones and losing some of those connections. I was so thrilled when my parents moved to town so we could have more time together in person. Now we've lost that ability for what already feels like a long time. My sister and her girlfriend live in NYC. They were scheduled to visit us, and I was going to schedule a visit there. Those things are lost for now. Art and creativity are still what I get joy from during this time, so thank you for sharing yours!

    1. Ann, Sorry this took so long to get to - your comment got lost in my e-mail somehow. I'll have to check out that article. But, yes, this whole time spent away from the people and places we love has been so hard on all of us. I understand the people that are angry, but I don't understand their lack of concern for other people in the community. I'm doing my best to refocus, watch more videos, learn more skills, and think about where I'm going to go and who I can't wait to see when/if things settle down. I appreciate you taking the time and sharing your experience with me. Wishing you and your family so much love and safety in this uncertain time.

  2. Yep jewellery challenges are growing fewer by the day. Maybe we have to come up with some of our own.

    1. Divya, I have to admit that I was thinking the exact same thing. However, I've also considered that the challenges are becoming fewer because few people are participating. But, I am, from time to time, considering creating some kind of challenge for myself each month. I haven't come up with anything solid yet though. Let me know if you think of anything!


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