Peek at My Week (July 12-18)

So many items on my to-do list were knocked out this week, but alas, there weren't many pictures of my week or even many picture-worthy moments. I'm hoping to remedy that in the week ahead. Almost all the pretty pictures I took were from Saturday. 
On Sunday, we had a super lazy day inside but finally forced ourselves outside into the pool in the afternoon. That evening, we had a terrible thunderstorm roll through that knocked out the power for over an hour. Poor Zoe (our dog) was in a panic between the storm and the power outage. 

I actually crossed off everything on my list on Monday!! Tuesday wasn't as productive, but I had a super exciting moment when I spotted this comment in my Instagram feed.
Y'ALL!! THE Tim Holtz commented on one of my #The100DayProject spreads! Actually, he commented on TWO, but I was so shocked that I didn't notice the other one for another day or two (that's horrible, right!? 😂)  But, it helped spread out the excitement. 

And, my week went on. 
By Friday, I had accomplished so much and finished the 100 days that I had some "spare" time in the afternoon to just play. 
I started by pulling out my soldered bits and deciding what needed to be aged/darkened. Before long, my desk was covered in bits of tin, wood slats, and the soldered charms. I couldn't settle on how to use any of them and never really accomplished anything but played with a little of everything. I supposed I can't complain about that. 

I was up early on Saturday.

After some yard work in the Alabama heat, we took a dip in the pool before lunch and a few rainstorms rolled through. To stay busy inside, I worked on eco-dyeing a batch of papers.

Once the last storm was over, we threw some potatoes and steaks on the grill while taking another swim in the pool. 
Can you see the mist developing in the deep end from the drop in temperature after rain? It was so cool. We could see the mist in the trees in the front yard too. 

Then, it was back inside for an amazing dinner.
It really was a lovely day.

As I mentioned above, I finished out #The100DayProject this week. Here are the last four of my #MakeArtDontFakeArt project. 
For Day 97 I had to use at least one piece of the Grungeboard in my stash. I picked out a little heart to alter and just happened to find a strip of dictionary paper on my desk that contained various Love definitions. 

Some basic cotton twine was my material on Day 98. I seriously just pulled a length of it apart before gluing it down with gel medium. It worked though. This was the other page that THE Tim commented on!!

Here's Day 99 that was a bigger hit than I thought it was going to be. I struggled so hard to get this one to come together with the washi tape I used in the background. And, I wasn't sure it had come together, but the comments made me reconsider it. 

I had wanted to go out with a bang on Day 100, but the oil pastels held me up a bit. I really don't ever use them and had a hard time really knowing what to do with them. So, I played and experimented and am not too disappointed with the end result. 

As always, I'm so glad I made it through the 100 days. On the other side of the project, I feel like I was able to stretch the bounds on my creativity and explore art. This project was no exception. I do encourage you to explore your supplies and see what you can make with them.

Now, for some inspiration from the week.

And, that was it for my week. I do hope to find more inspiration and be more inspired. Please share with me what's inspiring you right now. 


  1. I love this Peek at my Week idea! Great way to document. I haven't been posting to my blog as much as I'd like as it tends to just slip out of my brain these days!! As you could say, I'm WAY behind in sharing my 100dayproject posts! Stay well!

    1. Kelly, Thank you! I've been doing these peeks for years. I started after I realized how many pictures I took without sharing. I understand the 'forgetting to blog' feeling as I've been grasping at straws for ideas lately. But, that could be the weird circumstances too. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this and can't wait to see how you finish out the project.

  2. Honestly, I was so excited for you that Tim Holtz commented on your Instagram that I went and looked at the comments! :) So fun. I just love your journal pages, so I am not surprised. Your work is great!

    1. Ann, Yeah, the whole Tim thing had me in a tizzy. I couldn't believe it. But, I had seen that he had commented on someone else's IG recently too. I appreciate your kind words. Tim may be famous, but the words of a friend mean so much more. Thank you.

  3. Sometimes there's only one fun day in a whole week or we're too busy to take time and notice. Congratulations on finishing the 100-day project and on THE comment :) I love the collection of coincidence photos.

  4. Congratulations on finishing the 100-day project sincerely and superbly! Oil pastels are great to do portraits with. You can also do scratching technique with them.

    1. Divya, thank you! I actually did some scratching into the oil pastels - it one one of the several experiments I did with them. And, it was my favorite of the techniques I tried too. Thanks for the suggestion. :)


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