Peek at My Week: March 10-16

Let me start by letting you know that's there's not much here. I worked almost every day this past week which cut up the days so severely that I barely accomplished anything. In fact, the only pictures I really took this week were on the two days I was off. 
On Sunday, Pat and I had lunch on the river followed by a boat ride with friends. It was a gloriously beautiful day and almost warm enough to get in the cold, cold river. The bravest (and youngest) of us didn't even risk a dip in the water. We took Zoe for a walk along Mobile Bay in the afternoon to finish our outdoor adventures. 

On Monday morning, we attended a funeral before we both had to work.
Tuesday was all about getting things done before work and a meeting afterward.

Wednesday, I took my grandmother to a doctor's appointment and worked from her house. That evening, I began the process with the oldest niece of shopping for a prom dress.
As I expected, we were unsuccessful in our first attempts. 

Thursday and Friday were all about CraftyHope and the other job.

On Saturday, I worked for a good portion of the day before we had dinner and drinks with a friend then ended the evening with a movie at his house with his family. 

Like I said, there wasn't much to this week. Since I'm off more this week, I'm hoping for a bit more creativity and activity. (We started pretty strong yesterday.) I didn't even find much inspiration this past week, but let me go ahead and share what I did find.

So that's it. Here's hoping the rest of your week is full of creative fun!


  1. A day on the water must have been so relaxing. Cold water is no fun as adults. When I was little I loved going in the ocean up on MA. As a adult I would not even put my feet in it. The water is ridiculously cold even on a really hot day!

  2. Work steals most of our time but at least for some people it feels rewarding :) Shopping for prom dress can be both fun and tiresome but it's worth it in the end! Again, I found a couple of things in the links that resonated with some of my intentions.


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