March Challenges and Peek at My Week (March 3-9)

It feels as though everything has piled up on top of itself. It probably has something to do with the fact that February is always such a short month. But, now it's March with its own challenges and weeks flying by. If you're interested in participating in art challenges and using the inspirations they provide, here's my handy-dandy list of the ones I know.

  • On Instagram, #MarchMeetTheMaker from JoanneHawker is well underway with a new prompt each day that lets you tell more about yourself and what you create. Make sure to check out the list and jump in the challenge. I've got a little catching up to do myself. 
  • Also already underway is the February Mixed Media Moods inspiration. DeeDee Catron and Mixed Media Jenn make and use a mood board to create their own art, but they share the board for others to create their own pieces. The current board is dark and moody, but with a pop of gold. My piece is just about complete. I'll be sharing it before too long. There's an Our Mixed Media Moods Facebook group too. The new mood board comes out on the 20th of each month. 
  • Aching for winter to end, Erin at Earrings Everyday has issued the We're All Ears March Challenge with the prompt of Green. The deadline is listed as the 19th, but I think it's likely this Friday the 15th.
  • Art Bead Scene has issued their Art Journey #2 which is the art of Virginia Frances Sterrett. Remember that your piece must include an art bead. You have until March 23rd to share your creation(s).
  • Sarajo's husband, Eric, issues her a challenge each month that she shares with us. You can get a look at the March Honey Do List Challenge picture on her blog. She's set the reveal as March 25th. 
  • The March Theme Challenge from Art Elements is Luna Moths. This challenge is open to any medium, but you need to have a blog and let them know in the comments there that you plan to participate so you can be included in the hop list. The reveal is set as March 31st.

If you'd like to add any other challenges or prompts to the list, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment so I can add it!

As for my week, it was so very full but flew right by me.
As I mentioned last week, everything is blooming in our area. I awoke Sunday with this blast of pink through our bedroom window. As the week has progressed, it's only gotten worse and even my craft room has a pink glow from these azaleas!

I spent part of Sunday being messy with paint and playing with various art supplies. 

That messy fun art bled into my Monday.

However, the creativity didn't last long.
Cleaning out the fridge led to the relish crashing onto the floor. While frustrated, I chalked it up to just being a Monday.

Tuesday was Mardi Gras.
I went to Mobile to celebrate and watch some of the parades with my mom and nieces.

On Wednesday, it was all about catching up and getting down to work. Thursday was much of the same, except these two got right in my way. 
Leeloo's definitely feeling better! Look at her reaching out to mess with Rosalina. Ha!!

On Friday, my half-brother and his wife and kids were in town. They met me at my mom's to visit for a little while. I loved seeing my older nieces interact with the younger two.
It was a really good day!

Saturday was work, but then we had dinner with friends. all in all, it was a fairly good week. 

Here are some inspirations for you!

This week is already looking to be a struggle, but I'm going to squeeze in as much creativity as possible. I hope you do too!


  1. If it makes you feel better, I once dropped a jar of red sauce at checkout in a grocery store! Total disaster! The flowers are amazing me every day. Even the wild flowers in our yard, the likes of which I have never seen before. I did not know there are Mardi Gras parades in AL. I always thought of them as just being in LA. That must be fun! The kids are cute and look so happy. That is most important. :)

  2. For some reason they were going to cancel our Mardi Gras Parade due to not enough security. But someone helped out and the show went on.

  3. What about a bottle of sunflower oil, pouring behind a kitchen cabinet? It was open and somehow fell :) Well, let's hope the accident is long forgotten and you're enjoying the new week!


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