Getting to Know Me

I recently became part of the Alabama Women Bloggers community. This week they've prompted members to share a little about themselves by answering a few questions. I realize I haven't shared much personally on here and need to change that, so this is a start.
Alabama Women Bloggers
1. What part of the state do you call home?
I'm way down in L.A. (lower Alabama) in Fairhope. It's just the other side of the Bay from Mobile and north of Gulf Shores.

2. How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging since October of 2007. So, wow, almost six years.

3. Why did you start blogging?
I started because I saw the communities that were developed around blog genres and because I wanted a place to share my experiences, tips, and whatnot and become a part of those communities. I though blogging would be a nice way to share my life as well.

4. What is your favorite part of being a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community?
This community is still rather new to me. But, I do like the idea of women from my state (other Southern Gals) sharing ideas, recipes, tips, and spreading the awesomeness of our state.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
This is a hard one for me. I know I'll still be in this area (southern Alabama) maybe in the same house and hopefully a little more successful and maybe even with a pool. . .a girl can dream! But I've never been one to have a five year plan or anything. I always thought I'd be married by a certain age and kids not long after that, but none of it actually worked out the way I envisioned. Now, I'm a free-wheeling, fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl.

6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why?
I've been told by several people that I look like Renee Zellweger with brown hair. I don't see it. In high school I was told I looked like Blossom (Mayiam Bialik) but I knew that was just because we both had long brown hair and I loved to wear hats. But, if I got to choose. . .I'd pick my favorite actress, Drew Barrymore. I just love her really fun personality and her zest for life.

7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die?
This one has had me befuddled ever since I read this list as all I could come up with were places to travel. That's essentially still the case but here's my list 
1- TRAVEL: specifically relax in Bora Bora, go to Europe (Paris, London, and Ireland are at the top of the list), and take a trip to New York (to see the Statue of Liberty and watch a show on Broadway) 
2- Have a prosperous business 
3- Have child(ren )
4- Write a book (I can't decide if I want to write the next classic novel or a fun children's book, but I better get started either way) 
5- Live on the water (be it a river or the Gulf, I just want to be closer to some water.) 
WOW. . .I better get busy!!

8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why?
My creativity because it's simply a driving force in my life to be creative in my business, my home, and even what I wear sometimes.

9. Describe the best moment in your life.
Realizing that Pat was my soul mate, that I had found the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. Oddly enough, it wasn't that far into our relationship, just a few weeks.

10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”?
A Mother

11. What or who inspires you to blog?
Other bloggers inspire me. I see their awesome posts and I think, "How can I contribute?"

12. We’re headed to your neck of the woods… what restaurant would you recommend?
Only one!? I can't do that because it depends on what you're wanting to eat. For Bar-b-que go to Ben's, for seafood The Original Oyster House on the Causeway or Wintzell's (any location), for a little fancier fare try Ginny Lane's at the Wharf, and for some on the water dining go to Big Daddy's on Fish River. And if you're feeling a bit tourist-y, Lulu's is a great place to stop by.

13. What’s a southern tradition you and your family have?
We eat gumbo with fresh Gulf seafood for Christmas dinner and I've almost got the recipe nailed. It's been passed down in my family for generations.

14. If you could pick your favorite blog post from your blog this year, what would it be?  
My first instinct was my links on how to add social media buttons to your blog, but on review I also liked my Organizing tips post and my silly post with some items that made me smile that day.

15. We all love social media, tell us your links so we can follow you!
You can use the handy-dandy buttons on the right sidebar, but here they are anyway 

So now y'all know a little more about me. I hope I did this right.
I apologize for the lack of pictures as well. This took a ton more consideration than I thought and I ran out of time to do much more. Thanks so much for popping in!!


  1. You did great! And we are so blessed to have you as one of our blogging members!! Thanks for opening up and sharing with us so that we could learn a little more about the bloggers behind the blog! Thanks for linking up!!

  2. I like this! I think I may do this as well...even though I am not on AWB. :-)

    1. You totally should. AND, you should join AWB, it's super simple. Can't wait to see what you have to say!

  3. Nice to "meet" you! I have to admit that Fairhope is one of the top places I would like to live. It's just so quaint and such a beautiful place. :)

  4. Awesome post! It's great to "meet" you! Love your answer to #9 (well all your answers, but especially #9). My husband and I set our wedding date on our first date, and that's when we got married! I hope to get to know you better in the future!

  5. Your part of the state is so pretty! It was great to get to know you a little better.

    1. Beth- I do love this area of the state, but there's not too many absolutely ugly areas of Alabama. It's one gorgeous place. However, you can't get me too far from the water. I'm so glad you were able to pop in. Thanks! :)

  6. You and my sister are practically neighbors! She lives in Gulf Shores on Ft. Morgan Rd!
    I'm excited to start reading your blog!

  7. Hope~ I realize that you wrote this as an exercise for your new group, but i enjoyed 'getting to know you' a bit more too. :-D

    1. Tammie- Oh, I wrote it for my blog readers. Whether the readers are beaders or from the AWB group. I've just never really shared too much personally here and I know I need to, especially after almost 6 years of blogging. I'm so glad you liked learning a little more about me. Thanks :)

  8. I love Fairhope!!! What a wonderful place to live!!!!! We love coming down to the Alabama coast at least once a year - usually more than once and our favorite place to eat is the Original Oyster House in Gulf Shores. We stay in Orange Beach and always arrange our driving time to arrive in Gulf shores by lunch time on the first day!! I have eaten at the one you mentioned and they had a bigger menu and I must admit, they had some really yummy food, too! I loved reading your post!!

  9. Fresh sea food sounds amazing...That's one thing I love about going to the coastal towns. Red Lobster annoys me!

    It seems like a lot of people doing this self interview wanted to travel...just goes to show it's not as easy as some make it or we would have all done it by now.

  10. Nice you "meet" you as well! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I also knew a few weeks after meeting my husband that I he was the one and that I would marry him!

  11. Hey there, we have a lot in common. I've visited Fairhope a year or so ago for the big arts festival they have every year. I LOVED it there and would LOVE to live there. I enjoyed reading about you and getting to know you better.

    1. Carol,
      I don't know if anyone ever visits Fairhope and doesn't love it. It's so quaint. (I can say that because I'm actually a transplant from Mobile who married a Fairhope boy!) I thought wee had a lot in common too when I stumbled on your blog as well. I'm eager to see what else you have to say! Thanks for stopping by my little corner here. :)

  12. That was fun and insightful, Hope! Even after nearly six years on Twitter together, I felt I got to know you better from this! :)

    1. Jill, I'm so pleased that you liked it. I realized some time ago that I hardly ever share anything personal on here (in almost SIX YEARS) and in order to really connect with everyone else I should do that more often. It feels a little free-ing to have opened up some. Thanks for the support!!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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