Focusing on Life Week 23: Typography

I didn't think I was going to get a chance to post for this week's prompt, but here I am. When I saw the prompt, Typography, I was immediately excited because I've got a thing for words and fonts and whatnot. You should see me scroll through the list of fonts in Word or PhotoShop anytime I've got a chance to make something a little different. It's always a task to pick one that conveys just the right feeling.
However, as the week wore on, I just wasn't struck by the lettering on any print or sign in my environment, so I was resigned to let another week slip by. As we are currently enjoying a slow Saturday morning; me sitting in front of my laptop while the hubby tinkers with his new metal lathe in the garage, it occured to me that I could be blogging. So I pondered what words have made the most impact on me this week and it became quite clear what my photo subject should be.

Yup, one of my designs was accepted into Jewelry Stringing magazine again, and I'm pleased as punch. Like last time, you'll find it in the bracelet gallery section.

I think that's as short and sweet as I need to make today's post. You can see more examples of Typography for this week's Focusing on Life series on Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. Congrats on getting your design published. I will look for it.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I'm so excited. It's just a little thing, but it makes me so happy. Have a great day!

  2. Wonderful! That is delightful mail indeed. Congratulations

  3. Congrats! is that in the most recent issue? I'll have to look for you!

    1. Cynthia- It's in the Summer 2013 issue that just hit newsstands this week. Thanks so much!! Enjoy your day :)

  4. Replies
    1. Adrienne- Thanks so much! I AM excited. I'm such a dork about these things. Ha!

  5. Perfect! Typography right on your lap ;)
    Have a wonderful week :)

  6. Congratulations! Ever notice how many fonts are on any given magazine cover?

  7. That is best typography one can see. Congratulations. Enhjoy the day. Ana

  8. Congratulations Hope. Those are certainly wonderful words to see.

  9. Congrats! Definitely says it all.

  10. What a great idea, Hope - to look back on letters that made an impact in your life this week. Congrats on being published in Stringing magazine! I'll keep an eye out for your bracelet design!! :-)

  11. Congratulations Hope. I have let some of subscriptions expire and I must get back on board so I can drool over all the beautiful creations.

  12. Congratulations! That is very exciting and worth celebrating

    1. Thank you Patty! I'm like a little kid when I get to see something I made in print, giggling and whatnot. It's a sight ;) Thanks for coming by!!

  13. Congratulations! Those words must have made a huge impact on you - what a great idea for this weeks prompt!

  14. Congratulations on being published again!!! I got my issue recently but haven't had time to do anything more tha flip through it. But it makes for a great photo opportunity for this weeks challenge!

  15. Huge congratulations to you!!!!! (love that Stringing font, makes me happy in my mailbox)

  16. Congratulations!!! Now that's some typography I'd love to see. : )

    1. Janet- Thank you so much. I'm just so happy that they picked something of mine to put in that awesome periodical. I appreciate your support so very much! :)

  17. Best typography you can get. SOOOOOOO much better than the mail with the electric company logo on it!

    1. Marlene- hahahahaha! So very true!! Thanks for the chuckle :)

  18. Congratulations - How cool,...and well deserved. Your designs are always fabulous! These are always exciting 'fonts' are they not?!!

    1. Shel- You are too kind! These are definitely some exciting fonts!! :) Thanks so much.


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