Focusing on Life Week 24: Green

I had almost forgotten about this week's Focusing on Life prompt.  Okay, I'll admit that I thought about it each and every day this week when I made my to-do list, but it quickly flew from my mind as soon as the letter N on "Green" was written.

After writing yesterday's Commitment post, I knew my next 'to do' was to be a green picture. Hmmmmm. .  I looked around my desk for something green. I guess I thought something was going to pop out at me. Guess what. Something did.

Remember a few weeks back when youngest niece stayed the week with us? Well, she got to do some crafting. Not just any crafting either, she decided she wanted to make some jewelry like her Hopey (that's what she calls me, so what of it.) Before I knew it, she was in my polymer clay. I gave her full reign over my clay supplies, and she opted to mostly stamp some pendants.

Once we had the pendants baked, we had to let them cool. To give them some time, off to the bead store we tromped to buy beads for her jewelry endeavors. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of just the beads she chose, but you can see some of them in the picture below of our next step. . .painting.

Once the pendants were painted, they had to dry.

The waiting was the hardest part, but she FINALLY got to make a necklace!

And yes, it had to be ALL GREEN. That is her favorite color after all. At some point she wants to sell it on Hopey's website. I'll let y'all know when it's listed. It's her job to help me do that too. I wanted her to see each step of the job. She even got to help take some of the pictures of her necklace. The one below in particular was hers.
Not too bad. I think I've got some competition!

Check out more Green on Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. she did a fantastic job! you do indeed have some competition!

    1. Cynthia- I can't wait to tell her how much everyone seems to like her necklace. Thank you so much. She'll be tickled. :)

  2. Oh my, the necklace turned out beautiful! You must be her favorite aunt!! :)

  3. How lovely, what a pretty piece

  4. It's gorgeous!! She's a natural :)
    Have a wonderful week :)

  5. What an amazing "Hopey" you are - teaching your niece all the ins and outs of the entire process - you ROCK! She's got a great eye for the photography and her necklace is just wonderful, too - yep, she's had a good teacher!
    Love this Green!

    1. Shel- Aw thanks! I do try. Without kids of my own I tend to go overboard with the nieces. I know she wanted me to show off her creation, so I can't wait to tell her that I showed it on my blog and that everyone liked it. Thank you again!

  6. Aw... Such a pretty necklace too! Love the different colors of green.

    1. Janet- Thanks!! That was totally her intent. . .green in any and every shade she could get her hands on. It works! I appreciate you popping in.

  7. Tell your niece that other people like that all green look too!

  8. Hope it is wonderful that you are passing on some of your creativity. She did a good job on her necklace.

  9. love love love her necklace.. I do think you have some competition.. Great job!!

  10. Ooh, that necklace is beautiful - I love the tree image - and it really suits the green she chose - well done to your niece.

  11. I love the green necklace. I agree with Diana, it really makes the tree stand out. She seems to have Auntys creativity .... watch

  12. Vera- I'm glad y'all like how she did the tree so much. I actually tried to talk her into accenting it with another color. However, I think she was just ready to make the necklace already and left it all one color. Thank you, she'll be so excited for all these kind words. :)

  13. Beautiful necklace, and the pendant - divine!


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