Focusing on Life Week 25

This week for Focusing on Life, Sally wanted us to finish the statement "You are. . ." with what makes ourselves a wonderful person.

I found the words "You are. . ." tricky when talking about myself so I've made them into "I am. . ."

Yes, I'm lucky.

I may not have everything in my life that I expected to have and I may not have everything I want. But, I have so very much and I have everything I need. I am thankful, I am happy.

I was a little put off a few weeks ago when I received the above 'Lucky' button. I was attending a Bachelorette party and buttons like these were handed out to the attendees. The other buttons had words like "hot stuff", "frisky", "sexy", "flirt", "wild", and "bad girl." Me. . .I got lucky. The girl handing out the buttons even dug through her bag and pulled out several of the other buttons looking for one appropriate for me. Each of those other ones she shook her head at, replaced in her bag, and kept digging. I'll admit that it hurt my feelings a little. But as the festivities wound down, I came home to my house, deposited the button on my dresser, snuggled up to my husband (my soul mate), and realized just how lucky I am.

Check out all the other wonderful participants on Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.


  1. I love it, you got the button you were meant to get!

    1. Adrienne- I suppose I did. It would have been nice to have been thought of as wild or sexy. Alas, that's not who I am. ;)

  2. Nothing wrong with a lucky button!

    1. Donna- Ha. So very true!! Thanks for swinging by!!

  3. Yes, she knew. Coming home to what she probably wished for herself.

    1. Marlene- You may be right. The poor girl travels a lot, moves a lot, and dates a lot. I'd like to think she was saving Lucky for me and not think I wasn't any of those other buttons. Anyway. . .I appreciate you popping by :)

  4. Lucky is the best thing to be! When you realize that (like you did) - it's a perfect moment.
    Love your button!

  5. Isn't it strange all the little things that help us realise how lucky we are! A lovely blog post!

  6. I think we are lucky to have you in this group! Cute button, it reflects on a lot of us here!

  7. There is nothing wrong with being lucky, all you have to remember is that you have wonderful people in your life that think you are all of those other buttons

  8. So you did get the right button. There is more to life than racy thoughts and actions. Of course this is coming from a person who would get a 'boring' button if there was one.

    You realized how lucky you are and that's enough.

  9. If I had got one of the other buttons and saw someone with the lucky button, I would wish I had it. As long as my hubby thinks I'm wild and sexy, I'm happy!! :)

  10. Hope I am glad that you can appreciate your life.

  11. oh I agree with Alicia - you got the best button! I'd rather be lucky in life then say 'frisky' !!

    1. Cynthia- Aw thanks! My initial thought was that the button-keeper didn't think much of me. But, now I'm thinking that maybe she thought more of me than I considered at first. Maybe. . .

  12. I was going to change the you are to I am too I thought it would be eaisier... Lucky is a much more useful thing to be than wild & sexy!

  13. I think if you find someone to snuggle up to each night you are lucky. What a great post.

    1. Mary- Yes, that man-o-mine makes me feel like the luckiest gal in the world sometimes. I'm so pleased you liked my contribution this week! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I love your Luckly button. I almost posted lucky, blessed or fortunate, because I feel those things every day, so it's lovely that you see how Lucky you are,...I think she gave you the right button. Although I'm with you and would have wanted to be sexy or wild (something I'm definitely not, either!) Oh well, we can always be those things in our dreams! LOL!! ;-)

    1. Shel- Thank you! The button choice was a good one for me in the end. And since the giver was a gorgeous single gal, I'll have to take Lucky as a compliment. I can't think about it any other way at this point. And, as long as the man I'm snuggling up to thinks I'm all those other things, that's all that really matters!! :)

  15. Seems like we see ourselves different than others. I think being lucky to have all the wonderful things in your life is the best and I loved that you realized that when you got home! Great post!

  16. I'd rather be lucky than a lot of those other things anyway!

    1. Laurie- It's much more useful in the long run I guess! The rest of those will fade in time, lucky does fade away! Thanks :)

  17. Lucky is a good - especially in a soul mate!

    1. Patty- You are so right! Thanks so popping in. :)

  18. Lucky is a very good thing! I guess it all depends on how you interpret it and I think you found the right interpretation.

  19. Lucky is good. And what a great feeling to be in love!


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