Menu Plan Monday: Low Meat Week

We FINALLY got out of the house this afternoon and rode about four miles on our bikes. Granted, it wasn't much, but it was HOT and we were happy to be active.

When we got back I got a shower and finished up the menu so that I could share it with you wonderful peeps! I'm pretty proud that I made a menu that includes only TWO meals with meat in them. That's impressive for me. As far as backing off on the other animal products (cheese/butter), I haven't done as well. I'm working on it.

Here's the menu as it currently stands.

Breakfasts: Blueberry muffins, oatmeal/grits w/fruit, Juice, yogurt w/granola & fruit, banana cinnamon waffles (p. 57)w/fruit

Lunches: PB&J w/fruit, tuna salad on greens, hummus and veggie pita w/fruit, Juice, cheese panini w/vegetable soup, leftovers

Seven layer tortilla pie (recipe below)
Roasted corn, pepper & tomato chowder (p. 393) with rosemary focaccia bread
Black bean burgers w/sweet potato fries
Spaghetti squash with edamame-cilantro pesto (p. 193) w/salad
Chicken stir fry
Baked vegetable lasagna (p. 102)

The page numbers listed are for the recipes I'm using from the Cooking Light Way to Cook Vegetarian Cookbook that Pat got me last weekend. It's full of beautiful pictures, loads of information, and some really yummy-sounding recipes.

 Don't forget that there's MUCH more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Now, here's that recipe. . . it's another one that I'm not sure where I found it.

Seven Layer Tortilla Pie   
·     2 (15 ounce) cans pinto beans, drained and rinsed  
·     1 cup salsa, divided  
·     2 cloves garlic, minced  
·     2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro  
·     1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained  
·     1/2 cup chopped tomatoes  
·     7 (8 inch) flour tortillas  
·     2 cups shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese  
·     1 cup salsa  
·     1/2 cup sour cream  
1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).  
2.  In a large bowl, mash pinto beans. Stir in 3/4 cup salsa and garlic.  
3.  In a separate bowl, mix together 1/4 cup salsa, cilantro, black beans and tomatoes.  
4.  Place 1 tortilla in a pie plate or tart dish. Spread 3/4 cup pinto bean mixture over tortilla to within 1/2 inch of edge. Top with 1/4 cup cheese, and cover with another tortilla. Spread with 2/3 cup black bean mixture, and top with 1/4 cup cheese. Repeat layering twice. Cover with remaining tortilla, and spread with remaining pinto bean mixture and cheese.  
5.  Cover with foil, and bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes. Cut into wedges, and serve with salsa and sour cream.  

I will be adding some avocado to the side of mine as well. I've not tested out this menu before so I don't know if it's any good and will have to let you know how it is later. I'm hoping to get it made in just a few before we head off to the funeral home for the visitation with my friend's family. It's going to be a rough evening. I'm hoping for something yummy when I get home. This might just fit that bill!

Wish me luck on this low-meat week. OH, and if you've got any awesome vegetarian/vegan recipes I'd LOVE to hear them!

Have a great week also. :)


  1. congrats on only having two meals with meat. Right now I have to make two separate meals because the boys will not eat what I want. But then again I have always been a salad person. lol

  2. Micheladas- Thanks. I've always kinda known I could go vegetarian, since I am fond of vegetables and cheese. However, hubs is leaning toward vegan and I'm just not there yet. I understand most guys don't want just salads. I've always been a salad girl as well. My hubby JUST started liking salads and that's taken my years of adding things he likes to them (strawberries, sunflower seeds, etc.) and then finding special dressings that he would like for them. Now, he's much more willing to have a salad for a meal even. It's a relief really. Best of luck with your boys!


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