Link-a-palooza and Cleaning Up

This week I've been all kinds of out of sorts. My energy's been waning, there's been wackiness a-plenty, and I've simply wanted to catch up!! I'm trying to take a break from swaps and blog hops and challenges because they seem to be eating up a large portion of my time. I'm not getting anything else made for staying busy with all of that. Right now, I'm involved in a domino swap with a friend as well as the Sequintastic September Challenge from Saturday Sequins. The end date for both of these is the end of this month, but I want to be done with these pending projects NOW! Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying the challenge of them both, but I'm ready to start something new and totally me, not something that has rules and perimeters and required supplies. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I'll be picking up youngest niece in a few hours to spend the weekend with us. Before she gets here, I'm determined to have the house clean. So, I'm busting my butt today to get quite a few things out of the way. You should see this list!! GAH! In fact, I'm using my timer method but with 15 minute intervals instead of 30 to speed things along. I hope I can knock it all out before it's time to head out and get the rug rat.

In the meantime, I figured I'd better pop in since I've been MIA almost all week. Plus, it's time for another
  • First off, have you seen the Spring 2013 Fashion Color Report from Pantone!? I'm in love with this selection of colors. I can't put my finger on it, but I find it so dreamy! I know I'll be getting plenty of inspiration from this set of hues. Aren't they dreamy? 
    Spring 2013 from Pantone
  • Michelle Mach always does such a good job of compiling information and sharing it on her blog. Last month, she made a list of Ten Photo Editing Programs to Try. I tend to just use Photoshop on my computer and am addicted to Instagram on my phone. I should really break out of my shell and give some of these others a try. Thanks Michelle for the great list of options!
  • I'm fairly sure I've mentioned The Bloggess a  time or two, and if I haven't I'm so sorry. She writes one of my favorite blogs to read for fun and usually has me in absolute stitches. Here's a post that has me CRYING I was laughing so hard. Be warned, her humor is a little . . .hmmmm. . . different.
  • I've always wanted to go on a bead/jewelry-making retreat. Heather Powers may have just made it easier with her Tips for Picking, Prepping, and Partaking in a Bead Retreat at Art Bead Scene Blog. Thanks Heather!
  • Easy Sequin Bracelet tutorial
  • Lastly, I found this cute tutorial for an Easy Sequin Bracelet. I took the tutorial and made the design my own. But, you'll just have to wait and see how I did it as well as my other sequin creations on September 29th during the reveal for Sequintastic September! 
I'm rushing to get the house cleaned and have already gotten the kitchen and both bathrooms done while writing this too. Litterboxes are next (aw dangit!) But, I am looking forward to a clean house and a fun visit with the niece. Here's hoping your weekend is full also!


  1. Hi Hope,
    I hope you have a great weekend it is going to be a beautiful one outside.

    I have not been on the blogs much lately either, because right now I am swamped with projects that need to get done by their deadlines. I can not wait to see what you made for Sarah's challenge. I will be starting mine this weekend.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...