Crafter's Devotional and a Menu

Today I begin another item on my To Do List.
Ack! What am I thinking?

Well, I'm thinking I need a spark. You see, while I was catching up on all the blog reading I missed while I was out-of-town, I stumbled on posts by my friend, Patty at My Life Under the Bus, and by Elisabeth at Beads for Busy Gals. Apparently, their muse has been off her game lately too and Elisabeth had recently found The Crafter's Devotional by Barbara R. Call.

They decided to use this book as a rallying point for a group of "like minded (semi-lost) souls, and host blog hops occasionally to see how everyone is doing." As soon as I saw their posts, I ran out of the house and to the bookstore to grab the book. As well, I've asked to be added to their list of semi-lost souls as I intend to play along. Elisabeth has a link at the top of her blog that will take you to the list of participants and some other information.

One of the first things you notice and learn about the book is that it advocates journaling. (I don't think I'm spoiling anything here. . .it says this on the back cover plain as day.) So I've made sure to gather some supplies to have with me for this part. I actually had a mostly empty journal/sketchbook already, and I took a quick trip up to the store for some colorful pens (SCHOOL SUPPLIES!! They're on sale right now. I have a problem.) and a stick of glue for any collaging desires that possess me.

In addition, I grabbed a cheap pencil case. With a book ring I already had, I've attached my supplies to my journal for easy travel.

I'm all ready to go. . .now to actually DO the prompts and whatnot in the book!!

Beyond that, it's Monday and I'm all ready with a meal plan for my week.

Breakfasts: Breakfast banana split, cereal/oatmeal, raspberry parfaits, muffin cup egg casseroles, muffins, omelets

Lunches: Turkey (leftover) on salad, ham sandwiches, bean burritos, pita pizzas, soup w/grilled cheese, tuna noodles, chicken salad pitas

Chicken with mustard cream sauce w/cauliflower & salad
Easy vegetable beef soup (sub ground turkey)
Crockpot chicken w/ sweet potatoes & baked zucchini fritters
Chipotle rubbed flank steak w/green beans & potato salad

These Black Satin Earrings are new in the shop

I've got plenty to hop on today as you can imagine. How's your week looking?


  1. The shrimp tacos sound wonderful! I printed out the recipe but I'm sure our little grocery won't have the zaatar. Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Well, Hope, GMTA - I've just posted about starting the Crafter's Devotional and Elisabeth & Patty too! LOL Should be a fun experience, I think. And I have the same (sales) problem that you do too...much to my husband's dismay...hah. Love your menus, too. :)

  3. Hello, I'm stopping by from Organizing Junkie today.
    That's cool that a book has united crafters to get more inspired.
    You have some wonderful meals planned this week.
    The humidity has arrived in Las Vegas. It has me wishing for our dry hot days.
    Enjoy your week!

  4. Berry- I'm so glad you came by again! I do love the crafting community. We often come together over so many things and do try to help inspire one another. It's wonderful to be included as part of such a group. I'll admit I am looking forward to the meals this week. I can't believe it's humid in Vegas!! It's ALWAYS humid here so I feel your pain. I hope you get your wish for it to burn off soon! And, you have a great week as well! :)

  5. I need to come to your house for those shrimp tacos! Thanks for the heads up on the book - I'll definitely check it out. I understand your comment about actually doing the things you've set out to do. I have a problem w/that occasionally!! Best wishes for success!! :-)

  6. Shel- You missed out last night. The tacos were darn tasty!! Thank you for your best wishes and I'll boomerang those back to you as well. All the best! :)


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