June in Photos

As promised in yesterday's meandering post, I'm going to share some of my favorite Instagram pictures from June.
As in every month (just about) I got a sunset on the water picture.
I thought the bubble pattern in my beer was pretty neat. What do you see in it?
I actually grew something I can eat!! (and did eat)

June was full of all kind of storms. This ominous one was setting off many alerts/alarms.

I took a Kumihimo class at my local bead store with a friend. That was so much fun!!

This cute tree frog was in my watering can as I struggled to keep my plants alive.

I took some time to bust out a baker's dozen pairs of earrings.
Father's Day meant a beer cake for my step-dad.

Stumbled on this pretty brook while at a playground and geocaching with the nieces.

Finally, I rounded the month out with a rainbow of jello shots (thanks Cindy!) and fun with a few really good friends.

Now. . .it's time to move past the month that got away and on to bigger and better.
New necklace in the shop.
Button Fringe Necklace
As well, there's a few more items in the on SALE section of the shop.

Now, let's see what we can do with July! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and interesting photos! At firs I saw a spider web in your beer, but looking closser I saw a face.

    Love the earrings you made, and that button fringe necklace is beautiful! I need to learn how to include fibers in my pieces.....

    Have a safe and happy holiday!


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