A Little Link-a-palooza and a Laugh (at myself)

It's really a shame how much the weather affects my mood and motivation. It's overcast and dreary here today and I'm really having to push myself to get anything done. Sigh. Am I the only one with this malady? What affects your motivation?

I really want to mention the great laugh I had Wednesday evening. Here in the states, the Fourth of July is our Independence Day. It's a day of bar-b-ques, watermelon, and fireworks.

Tons of people flock to their favorite firework-watching spot over the course of the day. Once the show is over, they all trudge back to their vehicles and homes.
This was the middle of the road. . .there was a car to my right stuck following the people walking.

As we joined the masses in this trek, I couldn't help but imagine that this is similar to what it would look like in apocalyptic scenarios, or that it's what a zombie hoard would look like. It really tickled and frightened me at the same time (I kinda like to be scared.)

It just goes to show you what an overactive imagination I can have and how easily amused I am.

Anyway. . .since my motivation is running low, it seems like the perfect time for

**Cindy at Sweet Bead Studio offered up this pretty sweet spiral wire clasp tutorial a few months back. I'm finally getting around to sharing the link. Maybe someday I'll get around to actually trying it out!
Cindy's Spiral Clasp Tutorial

** Handmadeology gathered up a pretty neat list of 25 Things to Do on Your Lunchbreak to Further your Handmade Business. Whether you have a lunchbreak or not, I think this list is a really great example of some tasks you can do pretty quickly to get inspired, manage your business, and think outside the box.

**Mary & Patch has a tutorial on altering plain metal bangles with macrame. I really love all the color it adds.

I've a PILE of videos to watch saved up. See. . . .I've got no speakers and heaphones don't seem to work on this desktop. As such, I really need to sit down with the iPad and the Apple TV and get to watching. Maybe soon I'll have a list of those for you.

For now, I'll leave you with the three items I put on sale today. The first two are from the Suor Angelica collection. Please note that although I've marked those items down, Melanie will still receive the 50% of the ORIGINAL price, not the reduced price.
Cross My Heart Necklace
Music Dreams Necklace
Bright Blossom Necklace

The bottom has finally dropped out of the clouds. Maybe once the rain passes I'll get my sunshine. Wishful thinking?


  1. I'm the same way, only for me, the heat makes me lethargic. That, and cranky -- I've needed a lot of ice cream to keep me happy this summer!

    I love that link on 25 things to do on a lunch break. That ones in my list of bookmarks. :)

    Thanks for the links! I'll keep my fingers crossed that we trade weather for awhile.

  2. Hi Hope,
    Oh it is so miserably hot here in Montgomery at least you are down close to the water where I hope you get some kind of a breeze. I did not get out to see the fireworks. I was going to but I was too late and I heard them start they would have been done by the time I got there. Those are some interesting links, thanks for sharing.
    Gorgeous necklaces as always, may favorite is the Bright Blossom Necklace.
    Please go by my blog there is a surprise there for you.

  3. Thanks for reminding me about Cindy's tutorial, I've been meaning to make some for ages!
    Oddly enough, Wednesday night I was watching a "B grade" zombie apocalypse movie with Eldest Daughter. Was the funniest one I'd seen in a while, then again I have an odd sense of humor, the zombies won. ;)

  4. Karen- You are quite welcome. That's really funny that you were watching that. You'll have to let me know what movie that was so I can check it out. I do love a good bad movie sometimes. Of course, I might not be able to handle the zombies winning. . .hm ;)

  5. Ha! I love a 'good bad' movie too! Did you ever watch 'mystery science theater 2000?' Man I used to love that commentary over the top of a truly horrible movie - such a laugh! I'm with Saturday Sequins on the humidity front. That is the weather that makes me melt. I'm loving the necklaces you've posted! Colors are amazing - especially that last one! and thanks for the tutorial. That looks awesome to try

  6. Antiquity- I used to love MST3000 when I could catch it on TV or something. What a great laugh it was. Yes, humidity is a bummer. We can't breather down here most of the time (winter or summer) because of the humidity. Gah! Thank goodness for air conditioning. I'm so pleased you like that last necklace. And you are quite welcome! :)

  7. Hey - I enjoyed your thoughts on the 4th of July along with the pictures...and how your imagination took you dangerously close to zombieland! :-) I feel for that poor car stuck behind the crowd of people. Luckily we've found the perfect tucked-away spot here in Ocean City (MD) that not too many people know about to watch the fireworks. Thanks for sharing my clasp tutorial link & I'll be sure to check out your other suggestions! :-)

  8. Cindy- Thanks. Yeah, my imagination can be all over the place sometimes. Lucky you having a super sneaky fireworks spot! You are very welcome on the tutorial share, I'm sorry it took me so long to link you up!


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