Riverside Macro

Toward the beginning of the summer, we took an excursion to one of the local rivers with some friends. There was cooking out, lounging on the bank, and Frisbee-tossing in the shallow water. I always like to keep my eye out for interesting textures and items.
This tree root amazes me since it looks so much like some sort of lizard skin. Doesn't it?

We found this OLD beer can. I adore the patina on it and the pull tab opening.
Am I the only one whose always got her eyes peeled for a neat photo?

Pshaw. . .I know that's not true. You should check out the whole list of people who have captured and shared some awesome Macro shots over at Studio Waterstone for I Heart Macro Sunday.

While I'm here, let me go ahead and let you know that two items in the shop just got marked down by 15%. Yup, they're on sale!!
Live What You Love Necklace
Wet Grass Bracelet

It's well past time for me to figure out our adventure(s) for the day, so I best be getting off the computer. How's your weekend going?


  1. What a great pics, the bracelets are looking great!

  2. Janneke- Thanks so much!! I appreciate you stopping by! :)

  3. Happy Sunday!!! Interesting photos;)

  4. You are right about that texture on the tree root, very much like a lizard skin, cool shots!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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