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It's feeling like a Link-a-palooza kind of day.
I never did make it into the craft room yesterday so I'm feeling it's pretty necessary today. As such, I'm hurrying the process along by just sharing some links. They're pretty great links though, you should totally check them out. I'm totally serious.

  • I'm the type of person who likes to have music playing when I'm doing chores, cooking, working, or anything pretty much (hmmmm....might explain why I married a musician.) Unfortunately, since my rock star husband is actually a home office-working software programmer by day, I need to give him the peace he needs. Yet, this music to clean by playlist shared by Curbly would be fabulous otherwise. As such, I figured the rest of you might could use it!

  • Many moons ago (late last year), Marcie Abney of La Bella Joya was generous enough to share a beautiful seed bead pendant tutorial for the pendant pictured above. I was first struck by the beauty of the design and almost immediately after by the thought that, "Oh yeah, seed beads and I don't always see eye-to-eye." However, I've since gone back and admired the design some more, I've realized that Marcie has made the directions concise and fairly easy to follow. I just might be able to make something close to what she's created. I bet you could too!!
  • Along with the official start of the Olympics tonight, the beady Olympics begin. . .I mean, the first reveal for the Bead Soup Blog Party starts tomorrow!! The Bead Soup's amazing hostess, Lori Anderson will have a full list for you of the participants first thing in the morning (actually, she'll probably have it up at midnight, Eastern Standard Time if you're raring to go blog hopping tonight like I probably will be!)
That's it for me today. I'm serious about trying to get in the craft room today and not waste it on chores or in front of this dang machine. What about you? What are you serious about getting done today?


  1. Thanks for sharing the links Hope.
    Hey does your Rock Star hubby ever get up close to or in Montgomery for any of his jigs?

  2. Ooh! That seed bead pendant is cool! I'll have to check out the tutorial. Thanks for sharing it! And, "Beady Olympics", cute! Perfect timing for our kick-off!

  3. Beautiful bead work...and, the color is yummy.

    Thanks for visiting and for leaving such a nice comment.

  4. oh man - love this pendant! I thought I left a comment a few days ago ... but my blogger connection seems to be on the fritz - no ability to link, post, etc, etc. kinda a handicap with a major blog hop going on!

    LOVE this one Hope - absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Antiquity- I'm so sorry it's acting up on you. I always enjoy comments from you. I'll try to back through my e-mails and make sure I didn't miss it. I'm really glad you like that pendant, I just hope that I can make a similar one at some point and am so glad I discovered the tutorial. It looks fairly easy, but if anyone can bungle it I can!! ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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