Spring Break 2012 (I get to do it twice!)

The girls have really kept me busy, but I've still got a day and a half to try to keep THEM busy. Here's just a sampling of what went down yesterday. (Via Instagram)
There was a trip to the beach in the morning
Tree climbing in the afternoon
Playing with thrifted toys in the evening
In addition, we did some shopping, baked cookies, made dinner, cleaned up, played video games, picked blackberries, and even squeezed in some crafting. I'm hoping I have more ideas for today! Eek!!

Oh, have you seen the awesome giveaway Lori is having over at Pretty Things? You really oughta go see how you can enter to win these!

Also, I re-listed this fun bracelet the other day.
Mechanical Breeze Bracelet

I've got the girls currently engaged in a little Lego Harry Potter on the Wii so I've got some time to rest while we wait for the day to warm up. If you've got any activity ideas, I'm all ears!


  1. wow- where do you find time to breathe, girl?! I love those toys,...too, too, too much fun!

  2. Shel- HA! I didn't get ANY jewelry made and I wonder how the people who DO have kids and real jobs ever get ANYTHING done. I am really surprised at how many times these past few days the girls have pulled out that bag of toys to play with them. So weird, but whatever. Thanks for stopping in!

  3. That bracelet is so cute! I hope to get to using gears and clock parts and such soon!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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