Growing in My Garden

I'm still working on those WIPs from yesterday, but wanted to share a happy from last week.
While the girls (our nieces) we staying with us, they helped me get some planting done. I'm so happy to have my little front porch garden all set up. (Yes, these are all on the front porch)
I let the girls each pick out a flower for this planter.
I think this is the bell pepper.
There's my basil and parsley in the front and my strawberries in the back.
Lastly are the tomatoes (back) and jalapenos (I think).

I'm really hoping these do better than my succulents that currently look pretty sad.

Yes, I'm killing succulents. sigh.

There is one plant I know is doing great in my windowsill.
It's a solar powered Daisy from my mom (I actually did kill the first one when I dropped and broke it :(  )
Isn't that such a happy flower!? Love it!

New in the shop
Twist of Fate Bracelet

I totally think that bracelet has a young vibe to it. What do you think?
And, do you  have any EASY tips on keeping plants alive?


  1. Love all your plants! I would give this tip - don't overwater.

  2. I love your front porch garden! And, your daisy is the happiest little thing! My advice is don't overwater,just keep an eye on them and when the soil is dry water them.
    I love the bracelet. It does have a young vibe. And, it looks great with your flowers!!

  3. Lovely! Zack and I are going to be planting on Sunday if the weather holds.

  4. Aww so cute I keep mine on the back deck!We get deer that eat everything and whatever they don't eat the ground hogs and guinea hens do : P ,,,The succulents look very Whoville... : )

  5. I love the colors of your flowers the girls picked. And, I really like the 'happy flower', too. No good advice on plants, although I do have quite a few in the house but I'm not sure how they manage to stay alive because I always forget to water them - and I live in the desert, where it's sunny and there's basically no humidity - so they probably hate me!! I like the bracelet too - it does have a 'young' vide to it.

  6. Shel- Yes, the girls did good with some bright, pretty colors. I love my Happy flower. She's dancing away in there right now! My next step is house plants. I love how cozy they make a house feel. I just have to figure out how the cats will adjust to them. Thanks for stopping in!

  7. Gardening is a lovely hobby and it keeps you close to nature which is wonderful...lovely youthful bracelet.

  8. Charm- Thanks. Gardening is something that's difficult for me to like. I LOVE plants but I have trouble keeping them alive so I become frustrated easily. I do like the communing with nature aspect as well. I'm glad you like the bracelet also! :)


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