Button, Button, I've Got the Buttons

You may recall me mentioning the Button Swap hosted by Cindy of Sweet Bead Studio a few weeks back. Well, it wasn't long after partners were assigned that I received my buttons from Brenda Salzano. I wanted to make sure I showed off my snazzy buttons before I dive too far into creating with them. So check out what Brenda sent me!

Here are all the buttons Brenda sent me. . .yes, go ahead with your oooohhhhs and aaaahhhhhs
This one was handmade by Brenda
The outer buttons are some awesome vintage ones she sent me and the middle one is another one she made (it's wood!)
Check out the adorable sticker she has for her packaging!

I know Brenda has received her buttons from me, but I'll wait a little bit to give her time for that reveal if she wants before I show what I sent. However, I can't resist showing you what I sent them IN.
It's a button PUZZLE!!

Lastly, it's time for "What's new in the shop."
Dark Leaves Necklace

Are you participating in the button swap? What kind of buttons did you receive; vintage, handmade, special?? What kind of buttons would you have LIKED to receive? Are you getting worried that you haven't gotten your buttons yet? I could talk buttons for ages ;) Am I pushing your buttons. . .alright, I'll stop.
Later gators!


  1. Lovely!!!!!

    I haven't mailed mine yet!!!! Yikes!

  2. Your buttons you received are AWESOME!!! Lucky Girl! And your packaging.....cute! I am not able to join the button hop, as the reveal date is the same as my niece's wedding...so that weekend will be busy! Have fun!!!!

  3. Didn't participate in this, but certainly love what you received! But, the package you sent your buttons in is nothing short of "perfect"!! Such a cute idea! Have fun with your buttons, will be looking forward to see what you create with them!

  4. Oh wow, the puzzle... I just sent mine with a card.

    I got some vintage and one handmade ceramic one, which I love so much. I think I'm keeping the thing I made with it. I really need to stop keeping things, though. I have more jewelry than I could ever wear.

  5. Patti- I KNOW! I really lucked up with Brenda. I like the variety of buttons she sent me so I can go in any direction really. I bet you WILL be busy that weekend. Have fun yourself! ;)

    Jenna - I'm glad you like the puzzle I wasn't sure hoe hokey it was but I thought it was serendipity when I spotted it at the store. I completely get "the need to stop keeping it" as my jewelry collection is huge as well. I guess that the danger as having this as a hobby/career.

    Thanks to BOTH of you for stopping by! :D

  6. So happy you like the buttons I sent, just put up the photos on my blog, of the ones you sent me!! I can not tell you how excited I am with your goodie filled gift!! ;-)

  7. Brenda- I don't just like them, I LOVE them. I've actually already gotten two items made with them and ideas for the other two are already brewing. I'm so exceptionally happy you like the ones I sent! :)

  8. I love what you received from Brenda, especially the sweet little house! I sent vintage buttons and received vintage buttons - right up my alley! :-)

  9. Cindy- Yes, the house from Brenda is GREAT. Unfortunately it's also super intimidating. I've already got items made with all the rest of the buttons she sent, but I can't seem to figure out a way to make that button any better. As far as your vintage buttons. . .WOOT! There's nothing wrong with sharing a little vintage button love! ;)


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