Packing Up and Getting Ready (TRT)

So, my grandmother is having her mastectomy in the morning. I'm trying not to focus on it (I'm neurotic, I'm already worried enough.) I'll be staying at my mom's house for the next several days while Mawmaw is recovering. LOML and I have plans to see Steeley Dan on Friday night and I'll be at home that night, but then who knows what for the rest of the weekend.

I packed up this morning. Best part by far- packing the craft bags. I haven't mentioned my craft bags in a while and today seems like the perfect opportunity.

First off, yes I said bagS. There are two sets. One is more for at my mom's house and is all jewelry (beads, pliers, chain, wire, findings, etc.) supplies. The other bag is a general sit-in-the-hospital bag. In addition to the craft supplies I have books, magazines, and my game boys. So what other crafts are going with me? Well, some pretty standard stuff: embroidery floss, scissors, o-rings, glue, a crochet hook, large jump rings, shrink plastic, sharpies, doodle book, colored pencils, and a clipboard. I really would love to take more to soothe the hungry crafty spirit that is eating at my soul. But, I've got some gifts I need to work on and I only wanted to take some specific supplies for those. Besides, I might come up with some really great stuff just using what I've got rather than the multitude of supplies I have in the craft room.

Now, it's "Totally Random Tuesday" Let's get to it!

So, with lots of prayers and positive thoughts I prepare for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mom and Mawmaw. Take care.....K


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