The Internet Deliema Goes On

So sorry about the rant yesterday, I just get really frustrated when I don't get exactly what I pay for - like internet connection. I'm tempted to contact Medicom and let them know that we need the hours of no service taken off our bill. I don't want to pay for the lack of service. UGH!!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures yesterday and maybe even got to check out the crafts I've been doing lately. You may not see many more until I can get this computer back up to the standards I expect as I'm still trying to download everything I use. Without internet, this is going to take longer than I thought. You should seed my feed reader and facebook. I have over 800 blogs backed up to read and something like 62 notifications in facebook. (I saw that while I was at work this morning.) I've written this in MS Word until I can get online to transfer it. We'll see if that happens or not. I guess you'll know if you see this post or not.

It's "Wild, Wild Web Wednesday" and my web experiences are definitely wild right now. . . wildly erratic.

Now for some Valentine stuff (are you getting tired of this yet?)

Alright, fingers crossed. Maybe I'll have a connection before Wednesday is over. If not, you'll be having a Wild Wild Web Thursday won't you??

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