Getting Ready for a Weekend Away (Valentines)

I actually had internet last night and I wasted it. I was exhausted.
LOML and I have a condo at the beach reserved for this weekend (awwwww), and it requires a lot of work on my part to get ready for a trip like that. Having a condo is GREAT - you have you own space, your own kitchen, a view of the beach, yadda yadda. Unfortunately, while the condo comes with a full kitchen of pots and pans and plates etc. - I always tend to forget a few of the little things that you take for granted in a kitchen: like salt and pepper, butter, cooking spray, etc. As such, I'm trying to be a bit more prepared and have all those items ready (rather than running to the gas station and paying 8 times the price.) Therefore, I've made lists. . . lots of lists.
The food is mostly packed, but nothing else is. Not my clothes, not my crafts, not my hairbrush - nothing. It looks like leaving work early is on the agenda. Which brings me to the next point. This was my horoscope today:
If you're looking for an easy way to get through a busy day, spend part of your morning getting the rest of the day organized. You might not be a morning person, but once you start seeing how things fall into place, your energy level will go through the roof. Nothing is as exciting as new possibilities for you right now, and there will be many in your day. Things are going to get done, deadlines will be met, and your schedule is going to have a lot more room -- for a lot more fun
I guess it's time to get started on the organization part, so I can get to the fun part.

I don't have anything for 'Feel Good Friday' today so I'm going to dump the rest of the Valentine links on you. I'm sure I've got a ton more waiting in the overstocked feed-reader, but they'll have to wait for next year. Oh, and if you missed it, here's the main Valentine's post I did last year.
I hope you enjoy your Valentine Weekend and your weekend in general.
If you are not sharing it with another person you love, make sure to spend some time on the person you should love the most, yourself. Make the most of it!!

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Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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