Just a Quick Update from Six Hours Away

I'm still here (kinda.) I've had a busy coupla days and the next few WILL be even more intense. I'm currently at the other end of the state, in Huntsville (Hunts-vegas) and exhausted from driving so many hours. Yet, not really ready to sleep.

I think LOML* may be a little upset. Just as I got into Huntsville, I realized I had left a crucial item at home. Since my mom is coming up tomorrow, I asked him to drive it to her house - 45 minutes away. He graciously agreed to do it for me after asking, "Do you REALLY need it?" I assured him it was necessary, and he made the trip for me. I feel really bad.

I ALSO feel really bad for not posting much. Since I'm so tired and really need to crawl under the sheets ASAP, I'm simply and quickly going to share with you some links and stuff that amused me.
Time to go, even if I don't sleep, I have almost 700 blogs to sort through in my feed- reader. Sigh! So much to do!

*LOML=LOve of My Life

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