Follow-up From Last Night and MMSM

MAN! I'm more sun burned than I thought I would be. Oh well! Can't do anything about it now except have LOML* rub aloe over the burned areas ;) That's not gonna be so bad.

If you checked out the pictures from yesterday, you may have noticed that I didn't put any captions. All you really need to know is that LOML* is the one windsurfing and the two little people are two of my nieces. LOML kept bringing the windsurfer in and letting the girls climb around on the board. They really liked that. In fact, the youngest (age 5), saw him coming in once and hollered, "Hey, bring your SHIP over here so I can climb on it!!" LOML thought that was pretty funny. Of course, this is the same child who loves pirates (and has for the past 3 years or so.) Any pirate - Capt. Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Hook from Hook, and any other pirate she can find. She's been a pirate for the past two Halloweens as well. The two of them (girls, not pirates) fell asleep on the ride home. Miss Pirate herself was mid-sentence when her head finally fell. Her 8-year-old sister (Her Royal Highness) was already OUT!! My mom also really enjoyed herself at the beach and thanked me for inviting them over and playing with the girls so she could read her book and relax. It was a great way to spend a Sunday - in the sun!

Oh well - Now it's "Made Me Smile Monday"
I hope you're having a very happy Monday. Later!!

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