Quick Craft on a Friday

It has been raining here all day. Ever since I hydroplaned and totaled my car a few years ago, I've been a bit more nervous about driving in wet conditions. Leaving the house this morning was a challenge. I think the storms were at their height then. It's let up little by little as the day has worn on, and now it's almost completely stopped. Apparently, we'll have a nice, dry weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I braved the weather at lunch to go get some grub and stuck my head in the Dollar Tree next door to the sandwich shop. My mom calls it the "Hundred Dollar Store" because she can't leave there without spending close to that. Fortunately, I only found a few items I needed/wanted. I've been wanting to experiment with glass pebbles and rub-ons for a little while, so I picked up a bag of pebbles and a few sets of rub-ons. Before I show you what I did, check out how my tags from yesterday are turning out.They're still not completely done, as I want to do something simple on the backs (maybe a little paint effect) and secure the paper on the big one a little better.

For my quick craft today, I simply rubbed a decorative image onto the back of the pebble.
Here's another view of them. It's not the best picture as the light in here is weird.
That's about all I can do with them here. Once I get home, I may test out tinting them with alcohol inks, then wrap them in copper foil, solder, and place a jump ring at the top. Easy-peasy!! I love to solder!

Before I leave, it is finally "Feel Good Friday" and boy, do I feel good about that!! My nieces have their recital (they call it Showcase) tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.
All I really want to share today is some life instructions.
From Bits and Pieces

Enjoy your weekend!!

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