Me? A Whiney B@#$%? Come On?

It's getting late, but I don't want to fall behind again. So, I'm posting even though there's not much news on the homefront.
LOML* has to go to San Diego next week for work. No matter how much guilt tripping or pleading I've done - he still says I can't go with him. I guess it's for the best, because I have a TON of stuff to accomplish over the next several weeks. Hopefully, I'll get my list done, rather than finding other distractions. But, I would REALLY like to go. Unfortunately, I have to take some time off at the end of the month and shouldn't be away from work that long, and the cost of round-trip plane tickets is ridonkculous. So, here I'll stay in Southern Alabama where I'll have to create my own adventures. Hmmmmm, what kind of trouble can I get myself into while he's gone? Suggestions?

Oh well, it's on to "Thrifty Thursday"Hey, I know what I can do while he's gone. . .work on my blogging. It's got to get better than this.

*LOML=LOve of My Life

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