Cheering Myself Up and WWWW

I'm having a really BLAH day.
This getting pregnant thing is much harder than all my 'accidental pregnancy' friends and family make it out to be. I'm trying to find things that make me feel better liiiiike -
1. the thought of going to the new Thai restaurant tonight for dinner
2. remembering the good, tight hug LOML* gave me this morning when I was so upset
3. a chocolate milkshake with lunch
4. these pictures I took all by my lonesome
They're not much, but I like them. I'm still playing with the settings on my camera to get the effect I want.

Those make me feel better AND guess what?!! It's "Wild Wild Web Wednesday" and I want to share some things with you because you coming to read my blog makes me feel better too. (5.)Here we go:
Happy hump day. I'm feeling a bit better now that I've shared with you. Thanks!

*LOML=Love of My Life

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