Craft Contest Entry

So, Crafty Chica is hosting a contest with some cool prizes. Basically, you just answer the question "Why are you a Crafty Chica?"
I entered with this e-mail.
Wow!! This is quite an ambiguous question. There are so many ways to look at the question and to answer it.

First, I consider myself a Crafty Chica because I have absolutely no artistic ability, never taken a serious art class; but I love paint, beads, soldering, markers, glue, glitter, fabric, thread, wire, glass, clay, paper, stamps, ink, and any other material that lets my creative juices flow. So, if I’m not artistic, I MUST be crafty.

As well, I don’t feel complete unless my hands are covered in paint, markers, and glue. Plus, Michael’s and Hobby Lobby are my second (and third) homes.

Another way to look at this question is more of a soul searching method . . .like, why did you become a crafty chica, what made you this? Growing up, my mom was rather crafty – cross-stitching, crocheting, and sewing in my early years. Later, she decorated shirts and made earrings. I was always around it. Craftiness seemed like a basic way of life. As a kid, I made friendship pins and bracelets, crafted at camp, and learned to cross stitch. As an adult, I obtained a high-stress job and found my release in crafting. Now that I have left the high-stress job, I continue to feel something lacking if I don’t craft often. Without craft in my life, I wouldn’t be me.

All in all, I’m a Crafty Chica because crafting is not something I'm a part of, it's something that's a part of me.
So, that's it. Those of you who know me well - what do you think? Does that sum it up?

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